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Mein Ex Libris

In A Landscape

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Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 3 bis 4 Werktagen.

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Disc 1
1They Will Shade Us With Their Wings08:33
2Life Study I00:46
3A Colour Field (Holocene)02:26
4Life Study II01:24
5And Some Will Fall08:04
6Life Study III01:05
7The Poetry of Earth (Geophony)03:58
8Life Study IV00:32
9Only Silent Words02:16
10Life Study V00:31
Disc 2
1Late and Soon07:11
2Life Study VI00:41
4Life Study VII01:02
5A Time Mirror (Biophony)03:59
6Life Study VIII00:43
7Love Song (After JE)05:39
8Life Study IX00:52
9Movement, Before All Flowers04:18