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Mein Ex Libris

Shadows Calling (music From Hunt: Showdown) (indie

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Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 5 bis 7 Werktagen.

Kein Rückgaberecht!


Wird oft zusammen gekauft

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Disc 1
1Rise up Dead Man (instrumental)00:00
2Sinners Blues00:00
3Devil in the Churchyard00:00
4End Will Come00:00
5Rise up Dead Man00:00
6Poison Curse00:00
7It Ain't over ('til It's Over)00:00
8Light the Match00:00
9The Devil's in the Details00:00
10Marked for Death00:00
11Drowning Water00:00
12Buried at Sea00:00
13Tie Me to the Mast00:00
Disc 2
2Rabbit in the Mine00:00
3It's Dark in New Orleans00:00
4Light the Shadow00:00
5Death is a Bird Flying00:00
6Rise up Dead Man (hell Hath)00:00
7Miner's Lament00:00
8Dark is Rising00:00
9Bullet's Lullaby00:00
10Raise Your Voice in Praise00:00
11Evening Sun00:00
12Lunar Initiation: Traitor00:00
13Lunar Confrontation: Serpent00:00
14Lunar Attrition: Devil00:00