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Mein Ex Libris

Rolling Like Thunder (2cd Slipcase)

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Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 8 bis 10 Werktagen.


Wird oft zusammen gekauft

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Disc 1
1Don't stare05:25
2All night long04:25
3For whom does the bell toll06:39
4Horsemen of the apocalypse07:58
5Stop the rock05:33
6Acid trap05:43
7Hell on wheels05:39
8Let us pray06:58
9Rolling like thunder05:37
10Into the labyrinth08:31
Disc 2
2Hell on wheels04:32
3Fighting for the right (Live)03:54
4Vampyre (Live)05:14
5Hell hotel (Live)04:15
6Rock don't live here anymore (Live)05:00
7Prisoners (Live)08:03
8Hell hotel05:07
9Dead on my feet04:54