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Mein Ex Libris

Film Music Of William Alwyn 4

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Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 8 bis 10 Werktagen.


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Disc 1
1Main titles and opening scene. Moderato ("The black tent")02:37
2Arab scene. Moderato ("The black tent")03:37
3In the camp. Moderato ("The black tent")04:03
4Nocturne and finale. Moderato - Poco meno mosso - Moderato ("The black tent")05:08
5Title music. Moderato - A tempo di valse ("On approval")01:08
6Polka. Tempo di polka ("On approval")01:05
7Proposal waltz. Moderato - Tempo di valse ("On approval")01:32
8The lancers. Vivace - Poco meno mosso - Tempo I ("On approval")02:29
9Main titles. Moderato ("The master of Ballantrae")01:22
10Jamie and Alison. Adagio - A tempo I ("The master of Ballantrae")02:18
11Spanish dance. Vivace - A tempo giusto ma meno ("The master of Ballantrae")02:19
12Prelude. Moderato - Broader (Andante espressivo) - Più agitato - Moderato - Più mosso - Con moto ("Fortune is a woman")04:49
13Mermaid's song. Andante03:33
14Prelude. Allegro ("Saturday Island")03:00
15Dublin 1921. Moderato ("Shake hands with the devil")02:57
16People of Erin ("Shake hands with the devil")02:14
17The black and the tans. Moderato - Molto meno mosso - Più mosso e molto accelerando ("Shake hands with the devil")02:53
18Professor Sean Lenihan ("Shake hands with the devil")01:59
19Trouble ("Shake hands with the devil")01:48
20Rebel to the end. Andante ("Shake hands with the devil")02:18
21Main titles. Allegro ma non troppo ("The ship that died of shame")02:20
22Prelude. Molto maestosso - A tempo, ma più mosso - A tempo, ma stringendo ("They flew alone")02:04
23Nocturne. Moderato (à la Chopin) - Alla marcia ("They flew alone")01:53
24March. Alla marcia - Poco meno mosso Tempo I ("They flew alone")03:04
25Prelude. Maestoso ("A city speaks")01:45
26March. Alla marcia - Coda ("A city speaks")03:48
27Interlude. Allegro ritmico - Molto meno mosso - A tempo moderato ("A city speaks")03:19
28Scherzo. Vivace - Coda ("A city speaks")00:56
29Finale. Moderato - Tempo pesante - L'istesso tempo - L'istesso tempo - Broader - Meno - Maestoso ("A city speaks")04:58