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Liturgy of St John Chrysostom/Concerto for Choir

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Valeri Polyansky (Dir) // "Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is the earliest sacred composition by Tchaikovsky and was written in 187...


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Disc 1
1Die Liturgie des Heiligen Johannes Chrysostomus op. 41
1Lord, have mercy02:59
2Glory to the Father and to the Son03:35
3Come, let us worship04:38
5Glory to Thee, O Lord03:20
6Cherubic Hymn08:56
7Lord, have mercy01:17
8I believe in one God, the Father, the almighty03:44
9Merciful peace03:38
10We hymn Thee04:09
11It is truly fitting04:42
12Amen. And with your spirit, Lord have mercy01:18
13Our Father03:32
14Praise the Lord from Heavens02:24
15Blessed is he who comes in the name of Lord05:06
16Chorkonzert Nr. 32 (Herr, lehre mich doch, daß es ein Ende mit mir haben muß)12:58