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Pete's Dragon (elliot,Der Drache)

Erste Bewertung abgeben
Am 25. August 2016 kommt Elliot, der Drache" in die deutschen Kinos. Der Soundtrack zum Film beinhaltet 28 Tracks, davon 6 te...


Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 6 bis 8 Werktagen.


Wird oft zusammen gekauft

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Disc 1
1The Dragon Song (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)02:28
2Something Wild (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)03:45
3Nobody Knows (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)03:09
4Something on Your Mind (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)02:59
5So Long, Marianne (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)05:38
6Gina Anne (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)02:41
7An Adventure (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)03:05
8Are You Gonna Eat Me? (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)02:31
9Brown Bunny (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:01
10Reverie (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)02:53
11Tree Fort (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:03
12North Star (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:25
13Bedtime Compass (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)02:16
14Timber (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:19
15Breathe (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)02:28
16Gavin Knows What He's Doing (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)03:43
17You Are Not Alone (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:59
18Elliot Gets Lost (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)04:26
19Takedown (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:45
20It'll Be Just Like It Used to Be (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)02:04
21Follow That Dragon (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)03:01
22Elliot at the Bridge (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)02:19
23Abyss (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:35
24Go North (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)01:44
25Saying Goodbye (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)05:04
26The Bravest Boy I've Ever Met (From "Pete's Dragon"/Score)02:46
27The Dragon Song Revisited (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)02:35
28Candle on the Water (From "Pete's Dragon"/Soundtrack Version)04:01