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Tiersen: Pour Amelie-piano Music

Erste Bewertung abgeben
Klappentext The maestro of Minimalist piano music has done it again, with an album of gentle melodies and soothing sounds from Yan...


Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 6 bis 8 Werktagen.


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Disc 1
1Amélie (Filmmusik)
1Comptine d'un autre été: L'après midi02:24
2Comptine d'été Nr. 202:42
3Comptine d'été Nr. 302:32
4Le vieux en veut encore01:40
5Toujours là01:24
6Comptine d'été Nr. 102:22
7La piece vide01:54
8La dispute02:16
9Sur le fil05:15
10Les jours heureux02:20
11La chute06:02
13Le retour01:52
14La calse d'Amélie02:43
15Le moulin03:40
16Le matin02:06
17La plage02:13
18Les retrouvailles02:20
19La jetee01:02
218 mm02:25
22Point zero03:06
Disc 2
1Goodbye Lenin (Filmmusik)03:06
1Summer 7803:59
3Childhood 101:54
4From prison to hospital01:23
6Watching Lara01:51
7Selling dishes00:51
8First rendez-vous01:33
9The decant session00:53
10Lara's castle02:02
11The Deutsch Mark is coming01:15
12I saw Daddy today02:20
13Birthday preparations01:45
14Goodbye Lenin05:30
15Childhood 202:44
17Mother's journey01:33
18Preparations for the last TV fake03:12
19Mother will die03:30
20Father is late01:41
21Father and mother03:29
22Finding the money01:32
23Summer 7804:24