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Mein Ex Libris

Greatest Hooks

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Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 3 bis 4 Werktagen.


Wird oft zusammen gekauft

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Disc 1
1The cover of the Rolling Stone02:54
2Sylvia's mother03:47
3Carry me Carrie04:19
4The millionaire02:59
5Only Sixteen02:47
6A little bit more03:14
7More like the movies03:41
8If not you03:12
9A couple more years03:07
10Walk Right In03:04
11Sleeping late03:09
12All The Time In The World02:36
13You make my pants want to get up and dance02:16
14Sharing the night together02:55
15When you're in love with a beautiful woman02:55
16Better love next time03:00
17Sexy eyes03:28
18Years from now03:12
19Girls can get it03:15
20Baby Makes Her Blue Jeans Talk03:43