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This book provides essential information on Mexico's Holocene and Anthropocene climate and vegetation history. Considering the geography of Mexico which is home to a variety of climatic and environmental conditions, from desert and tropical to high mountain climates this book focuses on its postglacial paleoecology and paleoclimatology. Further, it analyses human intervention since the middle Holocene as a major agent of environmental change. Offering a valuable tool for understanding past climate change and its relationship with present climate change, the book is a must-read for botanists, ecologists, palaeontologists and graduate students in related fields.
This book gathers virtually all available information on Mexican Paleoclimate and Paleobotany in a single source The content is presented in a comprehensive and systematic manner Intended as a framework for the design of future research on paleoclimates and paleobotany
Nuria Torrescano-Valle has a PhD in Ecology and Sustainable Development, she has contributed to more than 20 international publications on paleoecology, paleoclimate and palynology. Further, she has more than 10 years of experience directing several projects and master's theses related to past climate change and the ecosystem dynamics of the Yucatán Peninsula and Southern Mexico.
Gerald Alexander Islebe has a PhD from the University of Amsterdam, more than 80 papers on paleoecology, paleoclimatology and tropical plant ecology. 25 years of experience in Mexico and Central America. Main editor of the Springer Book Biodiversity and Conservation of the Yucatán Peninsula.
Priyadarsi Debajyoti Roy has a PhD from University of Karlsruhe, Germany and more than 40 papers on paleoclimatology, geochemistry and sedimentology. More than 15 years of experience in Mexico and other regions of the world.
This book provides essential information on Mexicös Holocene and Anthropocene climate and vegetation history. Considering the geography of Mexico which is home to a variety of climatic and environmental conditions, from desert and tropical to high mountain climates this book focuses on its postglacial paleoecology and paleoclimatology. Further, it analyses human intervention since the middle Holocene as a major agent of environmental change. Offering a valuable tool for understanding past climate change and its relationship with present climate change, the book is a must-read for botanists, ecologists, palaeontologists and graduate students in related fields.
1) Introduction: The Holocene and Anthropocene Environmental History, of Mexico.- 2) Paleoclimate of the Gulf of California (Northwestern Mexico) during the last 2000 years.- 3) Holocene hydroclimate of the subtropical Mexico: a state of the art.- 4)The Environment of Ancient Cloud Forests in the Mexican Pacific.- 5) Sea level change and its influence on the coastal landscape in the Gulf of Mexico during the Holocene.- 6) Insights into the Holocene environmental history of the highlands in central Mexico.- 7) Integration of landscape approaches for the spatial reconstruction of the vegetation.- 8) Volcanic Activity in Mexico during the Holocene.- 9) Human Influence vs Natural Climate Variability.- 10) Holocene Paleoecology and Paleoclimatology of south and south-eastern Mexico: a palynological approach.- 11) From Calakmul to the Sea: The Historical Ecology of a Classic Maya City that Controlled the Candelaria/Champoton Watersheds.- 12) Lidar at El Pilar: Understanding Vegetation Above and Discovering the Ground Features Below in the Maya Forest.