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Addresses key issues regarding STEM in Junior Secondary Education
A comprehensive account that disambiguates the complex relationships between the issues in STEM education
Addresses key issues in teacher knowledge/beliefs in STEM, which are important in recognising the complex issues leading to student withdrawal from and disengagement with STEM-related disciplines
Addresses key issues regarding STEM in Junior Secondary Education A comprehensive account that disambiguates the complex relationships between the issues in STEM education Addresses key issues in teacher knowledge/beliefs in STEM, which are important in recognising the complex issues leading to student withdrawal from and disengagement with STEM-related disciplines
Robyn Jorgensen (Zevenbergen) has an extensive track record in the study of classroom practice and the implications for equity particularly for low-SES, indigenous and rural students. She has studied practice in mathematics education and has produced a number of publications in this area. She is internationally recognised as a leader in the study of practice and equity.
Kevin Larkin is a prominent member of the Australian mathematics community and is a member of the MERGA board as VP of Communications. He is an active reviewer for a number of mathematics journals including Mathematics Education Research Journal (MERJ), Mathematics Teaching and Educational Development (MTED), Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom (APMC) and the International Journal for Science and Mathematics Education (IJMTL). He has a strong reputation in the field of digital technologies in Mathematics Education, has presented research on this topic at the last two MERGA conferences, and has been published in this area in books and mathematical journals.
Introduction.- What is unique about Junior STEM?.- STEM and Affect in Adolescence: A Cultural-Historical Approach .- Supporting Students' Productive Collaboration and Mathematics Learning in Online Environments .- Representation Construction: A Guided Inquiry Approach for Science Education .- Making STEM Curriculum Useful, Relevant and Motivating for Students .- Innovations in Teacher Preparation for STEM: The value of the theory-practice nexus .- Successful Students-STEM Program: Teacher learning through a multi-faceted vision for STEM education .- The Importance of Diagrams, Graphics and Other Visual Representations in STEM Teaching .- Digital Technologies and Junior Secondary: Learning with and about Digital Technologies.- STEM Education in the Brazilian Context: An Ethnomathematical Perspective .- Enlivening STEM education through school-community partnerships .- Inserting Critical Mathematics into STEM Education.