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1 Sediment management requires a solid mix of pragmatism and sound science The actual discussion on the role of sediments in the European water legislation is a typical example, how the development of environmental policies mixes legal requirements with socio-economic aspects, issues of technical feasibility, and sci- 2 entific knowledge . In fact, the Sixth Environmental Action programme of 2001 has stipulated, namely, that sound scientific knowledge and economic assessments, reliable and up-to-date environmental data and information, and the use of indi- tors will underpin the drawing up, implementation and evaluation of environmental 3 policy . In the ten chapters of this book, a broad set of practical process knowledge is p- sented, comprising simulation techniques, laboratory and in-situ studies on the int- action between biological, chemical and hydrodynamic factors as well as models, for solving combined quality and quantity problems of riverine sediments. The und- lying research on various types of particulate matter, risk analyses and problem - lutions will also contribute to the implementation of the Soil Strategy and in p- ticular Marine Strategy Directive in Europe.
First interdisciplinary book on the mobilization of nutrients and pollutants into the water phase due to hydrodynamic processes
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Förstner studierte Geologie und Mineralogie in Tübingen und arbeitete ab 1972 als Dozent und apl. Professor an der Fakultät für Geowissenschaften der Universität Heidelberg. Von 1982-2005 leitete er den Arbeitsbereich Umweltschutztechnik an der Technischen Universität Hamburg-Harburg. Mit über fünfzig Forschungsprojekten, zahlreichen Mitgliedschaften in nationalen und internationalen Fachgremien und mit 16 Büchern war er an den wesentlichen Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet des Gewässer- und Bodenschutzes seit Ende der sechziger Jahre beteiligt.
1 Sediment management requires a solid mix of pragmatism and sound science The actual discussion on the role of sediments in the European water legislation is a typical example, how the development of environmental policies mixes legal requirements with socio-economic aspects, issues of technical feasibility, and sci- 2 entific knowledge . In fact, the Sixth Environmental Action programme of 2001 has stipulated, namely, that sound scientific knowledge and economic assessments, reliable and up-to-date environmental data and information, and the use of indi- tors will underpin the drawing up, implementation and evaluation of environmental 3 policy . In the ten chapters of this book, a broad set of practical process knowledge is p- sented, comprising simulation techniques, laboratory and in-situ studies on the int- action between biological, chemical and hydrodynamic factors as well as models, for solving combined quality and quantity problems of riverine sediments. The und- lying research on various types of particulate matter, risk analyses and problem - lutions will also contribute to the implementation of the Soil Strategy and in p- ticular Marine Strategy Directive in Europe.
Managing River Sediments.- Hydrodynamics.- Transport Modeling.- Catchment Modeling.- Sediment-Water Interactions.- Transport Indicators.- Fine Sediment Particles.- Microbial Effects.- Sediment Toxicity Data.