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Shear induced crystallization, a relaxation phenomenon in polymer melts.- Contour-length fluctuation of polymers: NMR experiments and statistical physics.- Photoelectric response in the pTS diacetylene monomer-polymer single crystals.- Characterization of network structure by branching theory and correlation with viscoelastic properties.- Dispersive and non-dispersive transport processes in polymers.- Hypersonic properties of a smectic side chain polymer liquid crystal with a PA main chain.- Neutron spin-echo investigations on the dynamics of polymer systems.- Optical measurements of the deformation behavior of thin metallized viscoelastic layers for light valves.- Two-dimensional NMR studies of structure and dynamics of solid polymers.- The influence of the molecular weight distribution on the viscosity and elastic properties of polymer melts.- Molecular motion and orientational distribution in polymer electrets as detected by nuclear magnetic resonance and relaxation.- Nonlinear dynamics of polymer crystals. Soliton models of structural defects in the polyethylene crystals.- Applications of Forced Rayleigh Scattering and Photon Correlation Spectroscopy for the examination of transport properties in polymer melts.- TSD-?-peak and non-equilibrium processes.- Deterministic chaos in the motion of chain molecules.- Interrelation of phase and relaxation behavior in polymer blends and block copolymers with crystallizable components.- Field-induced structure conversions in PVDF.- Broadband dielectric spectroscopy on the molecular dynamics in polymer model-systems: polyphenylmethylsiloxane and linear and star-branched poly(cis-1,4-isoprene).- Plastic deformation and mobility in glassy polymers.- Dynamic light scattering from polymer solutions.- Study of the glasstransition of polybutadiene by neutron scattering.- Viscoelastic relaxation in amorphous bulk polymers.- Small-angle neutron scattering investigation of phase separation kinetics of a diblock copolymer.- The role of diffusion of free volume at volume relaxation of amorphous polymers.- Dynamics of density fluctuations in glass forming liquids and polymers as measured by light scattering.- Relaxation in permanent networks.- Relaxation processes in flexible mesomorphic polymers.- Relaxation currents in insulating polymers and their dependence on the polymer structure.- Theoretical problems and dynamic models of the relaxation behavior of macromolecules in anisotropic ordered polymer systems.- Electron spin resonance and relaxation studies on conducting poly(tetrathiafulvalenes).- Paraelasticity of organic colloid systems.
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