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No detailed description available for "Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Probability Theory".
Frontmatter -- Editorial Note -- CONTENTS -- L'académicien Octave Onicescu à 90 ans -- Invited papers -- Probabilistic aspects of Jordan algebras -- Rates of convergence and expansions for rank tests: A review and some remarks on the nuisance parameter case -- Asymptotically efficient estimator for the index of a stable distribution -- Some gambling problems with nonintuitive solutions -- Some results on unimodal distribution functions -- Some implications of metric tightness on sub o-fields of a probability space -- Some remarks on strong mixing conditions -- Reduction methods for the vertex packing problem -- On weak and strong approximations of the quantile process -- Strong Markov property for a class of transition semigroups -- Asymptotic results for the pseudo-prime sequence generated by Hawkins'random sieve: Twin primes and Riemann's hypothesis -- Rôles des matrices en statistique et problèmes qu'elles posent -- Subexponential distribution functions and their applications: A review -- On the application of the theory of probability to two combinatorial problems involving permutations -- Stochastic models of economic dynamics and equilibrium: Asymptotic behaviour of equilibrium paths -- Critical branching processes with general phase space -- A central limit theorem for certain stopped sums and some applications -- On the structure of solutions of stochastic dynamic programs -- Multiple test unbiasedness -- On sequential urn problems -- Probabilities related to the random bombardment of a square -- The stable asymptotic structure of growing branching populations -- Duality theorems and probability metrics -- Distributions with known marginals arid duality of mathematical programming with application to PERT -- Ansätze und Ergebnissé der optimalen Planung von Experimenten mit sowohl qualitativen als auch quantitativen Einflussfaktoren -- On the memory of a Markov chain. A decision theoretical approach -- Recent results on multi-stage selection procedures -- Non-homogeneous Markov chains: Tail idempotents, tail sigma-fields and basis -- The role of the breakpoint in schistosomiasis eradication -- On randomized statistical procedures -- Some stochastic equations for quasi-diffusion processes -- Wiener-Hopf factorization of Markov semigroups I. The countable state space case -- On the asymptotic behavior of the Shapiro-Wilk test -- Me and the anthropologist -- Bayesian approach to the analysis of clinical studies -- Issues arising in multiple comparisons among populations -- Problems of estimation in continuous-discrete stochastic models -- Ein statistisches Modell für Bonituren -- Rates of convergence for the stability of maxima -- Indistinguishability of particles and exchangeable random variables -- Communications -- I. PROBABILITY -- On measurability of the inverse of a random mapping with random domain -- Some properties of random operators and applications to existence theorems for random equations -- Conditional expectation with respect to dependent ?-fields -- Changes of time associated with non-homogeneous regular Markov processes -- Quelques remarques sur les métriques probabilistes -- Continuous semi-Markov processes and an extremal property of Markov processes -- A new stochastic model of turbulence -- On the random Riemann hypothesis -- On nonlinear filtering of Poisson driven dynamical systems -- Convolution inverses and branching random walk -- On the ergodicity of the tensor product of two stochastic systems -- Two remarks on the Skorohod representation -- On convergence rates of the strong law for stationary mixing sequences -- A characterization of product-measurability of Radon-Nikodym derivatives by separability -- Biased estimates for the solution of an integral equation -- On a family of metrics for the distribution functions -- Application of the orthonormal expansion of random functions to turbulent diffusion -- On infinite dimensional continuous square integrable martingales with different
Frontmatter -- Editorial Note -- CONTENTS -- L'académicien Octave Onicescu à 90 ans -- Invited papers -- Probabilistic aspects of Jordan algebras -- Rates of convergence and expansions for rank tests: A review and some remarks on the nuisance parameter case -- Asymptotically efficient estimator for the index of a stable distribution -- Some gambling problems with nonintuitive solutions -- Some results on unimodal distribution functions -- Some implications of metric tightness on sub o-fields of a probability space -- Some remarks on strong mixing conditions -- Reduction methods for the vertex packing problem -- On weak and strong approximations of the quantile process -- Strong Markov property for a class of transition semigroups -- Asymptotic results for the pseudo-prime sequence generated by Hawkins'random sieve: Twin primes and Riemann's hypothesis -- Rôles des matrices en statistique et problèmes qu'elles posent -- Subexponential distribution functions and their applications: A review -- On the application of the theory of probability to two combinatorial problems involving permutations -- Stochastic models of economic dynamics and equilibrium: Asymptotic behaviour of equilibrium paths -- Critical branching processes with general phase space -- A central limit theorem for certain stopped sums and some applications -- On the structure of solutions of stochastic dynamic programs -- Multiple test unbiasedness -- On sequential urn problems -- Probabilities related to the random bombardment of a square -- The stable asymptotic structure of growing branching populations -- Duality theorems and probability metrics -- Distributions with known marginals arid duality of mathematical programming with application to PERT -- Ansätze und Ergebnissé der optimalen Planung von Experimenten mit sowohl qualitativen als auch quantitativen Einflussfaktoren -- On the memory of a Markov chain. A decision theoretical approach -- Recent results on multi-stage selection procedures -- Non-homogeneous Markov chains: Tail idempotents, tail sigma-fields and basis -- The role of the breakpoint in schistosomiasis eradication -- On randomized statistical procedures -- Some stochastic equations for quasi-diffusion processes -- Wiener-Hopf factorization of Markov semigroups- I. The countable state space case -- On the asymptotic behavior of the Shapiro-Wilk test -- Me and the anthropologist -- Bayesian approach to the analysis of clinical studies -- Issues arising in multiple comparisons among populations -- Problems of estimation in continuous-discrete stochastic models -- Ein statistisches Modell für Bonituren -- Rates of convergence for the stability of maxima -- Indistinguishability of particles and exchangeable random variables -- Communications -- I. PROBABILITY -- On measurability of the inverse of a random mapping with random domain -- Some properties of random operators and applications to existence theorems for random equations -- Conditional expectation with respect to dependent ?-fields -- Changes of time associated with non-homogeneous regular Markov processes -- Quelques remarques sur les métriques probabilistes -- Continuous semi-Markov processes and an extremal property of Markov processes -- A new stochastic model of turbulence -- On the random Riemann hypothesis -- On nonlinear filtering of Poisson driven dynamical systems -- Convolution inverses and branching random walk -- On the ergodicity of the tensor product of two stochastic systems -- Two remarks on the Skorohod representation -- On convergence rates of the strong law for stationary mixing sequences -- A characterization of product-measurability of Radon-Nikodym derivatives by separability -- Biased estimates for the solution of an integral equation -- On a family of metrics for the distribution functions -- Application of the orth…