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The 11th Jeruaalem SympOlium continued the tradition of the pIe t and excitiDs meetiDp wbich 0DCe a year &ather dlJtingni,bed ICientiltl, the wodd's most renowned experts in a specific field of quantum chemistry and biochemistry. in the impressive IUrroundinp of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. We wiah to thank aU those who made this meetiDg pOllible and contributed to its IUcceSS: the Baron Edmond de Rothschild whOle continuous generosity suarantees the perenniality of our venture, the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities and in particu1ar its President Professor A. DvoIItIky, the Hebrew UDivenity of Jerusalem, and Professor David GiDsburg, for their devoted co11aboration. Mn. Abipil Hyam must be thanked for her decisive contribution to the efficiency and IUCcess of the local IIIIII1geDleJlts. Bernard Pulhnan v TABLE OF CONTENTS ~~e v D. G. Gorenstein / P-31 NMR of nucleic acids. Bond angle and torsional effects 1 H. lwahashi and Y. Kyogoku / NMR studies on dynamic properties of nucleic acid base pairs in nonaqueous solvents 17 M. M. Dhingra and R. H. Sarma / NMR studies and minimum energy confonnation calculations on the S'-tenninus of mammalian mRNA 31 H. -D. Ludemann and E. Westho/ / Solution confonnations of purine (JJ) nucleosides and analogs 41 P. Biichner, F. Blomberg, and H. Ruterjans / Nitrogen-IS nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of lSN-Iabeled nucleotides. Investigations of Ribonuclease A -Nucleotide interactions S3 D. B.
Proceedings of the 11th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry held in Jerusalem, Israel, April 3-7, 1978
P-31 NMR of nucleic acids. Bond angle and torsional effects.- NMR studies on dynamic properties of nucleic acid base pairs in nonaqueous solvents.- NMR studies and minimum energy conformation calculations on the 5?-terminus of mammalian mRNA.- Solution conformations of purine (?) nucleosides and analogs.- Nitrogen-15 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of 15N-labeled nucleotides. Investigations of Ribonuclease A Nucleotide interactions.- Co-operative conformational properties of nucleosides, nucleotides and nucleotidyl units in solution.- The quantitative separation of stacking and self-association phenomena in a dinucleoside monophosphate by means of NMR concentration-temperature profiles: 6-N-(dimethyl) adenylyl-(3?, 5?)-uridine.- The contributions of the purine nitrogens to stacking association.- Methylation effects on nucleic acid conformations.- Structural studies on the yeast tRNAPhe by the 1H NMR of modified bases. Effect of removal of the Y base and anticodon binding.- Spectroscopic Studies of drug-nucleic acid interactions.- A model for the specific site melting of DNA in vivo.- On the conformational dependence of the proton chemical shifts in nucleosides and nucleotides. IV. Proton chemical shifts in 3?-nucleotides as a function of different conformational parameters.- Some comments and comparisons concerning the use of 'ring-current' calculations in elucidating molecular conformations.- Carbon-13 NMR results in the field of nitrogen heterocycles: the detection of protonation sites.- NMR studies of the molecular dynamics of peptides and proteins.- Structural information from photo-CIDNP in proteins.- Nitrogen 15 nuclear magnetic resonance investigations on amino acids.- One-bond C, H coupling constants, a new parameter in conformationalstudies of peptides? The cyclo-sarcosyls.- NMR saturation transfer studies of the catalysis of the reversible hydration of acetaldehyde by carbonic anhydrase.- Conformation and interaction with small molecules of cyclic hexapeptides as studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and circular dichroism.- 13NMR studies on OPIOID peptides; 13C-enriched methionine-enkephalin and ?-endorphin.- NMR studies of selectively deuteriated and fluorine labelled dihydrofolate reductase.- Studies of 19F labeled met-192 chymotrypsin: an NMR study of an activating moiety near the catalytic serine.- Principles in substrate and conformation specificity of nucleotide-converting enzymes.- Cooperativity in the binding of ligands to dihydrofolate reductase.- Studies of gene-5 protein nucleic acid interaction.- Structural elucidation studies of aurintricarboxylic acid, a potent inhibitor of protein nucleic acid interactions.- Magic angle sample spinning in inhomogeneously broadened spin systems application to unsonicated phospholipid bilayers.- Ionic permeabilities of membranes; NMR kinetic studies.- Interaction of cannabinoids with model membranes NMR studies.- NMR spectra of mucopolysaccharides.- An in vivo15N NMR study of bacterial cell walls.- The application of aromatic ring currents in the elucidation of drug-ligand and metallo-porphyrin complexations.- Sodium magnetic resonance in biological systems. Interpretation of the relaxation curves.- NMR spectroscopy of tricyclic non-alternant systems containing seven-membered rings, dibenz [b, f] oxepine and dibenz [b, f] azepine: parents of pharmacologically active systems.- Appendix: Discussion document on nomenclature.- Index of Subjects.- Index of Names.
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