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During the 20th century, lake research has become an internationally recognised field of scientific activity, improving our understanding on physical, chemical and biological processes, on fresh water ecology, and water resources among others. The interdisciplinary approaches mainly developed in historical research, as performed by archaeologists and earth scientists, to reconstruct the environmental and climate history of the continents, of human settlements and culture, and to evaluate human impact on the local and global environments. The Geological Society of Switzerland publishes in this volume a selected number of contributions presented during a scientific conference on "Lake Systems from Ice Age to Industrial Time" at Yverdon from 17 to 20 October 2001.
Internationally recognised field of research Interdisciplinary approach
Inhalt Sommaire.- Lake Systems from Ice Age to Industrial Time, Preface of the guest-editors.- Bedrock, Quaternary sediments and recent fault activity in central Lake Neuchâtel, as derived from high-resolution reflection seismics.- High-resolution seismicstratigraphy of an Holocene lacustrine delta in western Lake Gene-va (Switzerland).- Sédi-mentation récente sur le delta du Rhône (Lac Léman) à partir de profils de sismique réflexion à haute résolution.- Imaging Molasse and Quater-nary Sediments in Lake Geneva, Switzerland, with 3-D High-Res-olution Seismic Reflection Methods: A Case Study.- Bottom-current and wind-pattern changes as indicated by Late Glacial and Holocene sediments from western Lake Geneva (Switzerland).- A 600-year sedimentary record of flood events from two sub-alpine lakes (Schwendiseen, Northeastern Switzerland).- 60 years of glaciolacustrine sedimentation in Steinsee (Sustenpass, Switzerland) compared with historic events and instrumental meteorological data.- Map-ping Sediment Accumulation Rate by using Volume magnetic Sus-ceptibility Core Correlation in a contaminated Bay (Lake Geneva, Switzerland).- Ecoulement de l'eau dans le fond du Léman après circula-tion dans le cône sédimentaire profond de la Dranse.- Sediment distribution on a current-dominated lake delta (Versoix delta, Lake Geneva, Switzerland).- Evolution des assemblages de Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) pendant le Tardiglaciaire dans le Lac du Lautrey (Jura, France): essai de reconstruction paléoenvironnementale.- Recent changes in sedimentaryorganic matter from Lake Neuchâtel (Switzerland) as traced by Rock-Eval pyrolysis.- Les conditions d'établissement et de conservation des sites préhistoriques littoraux de la rive sud du lac de Neuchâtel et du lacde Morat: prospection systématique et reconstitution des rives anciennes.- Sediment contami-nation in a river reservoir (Wettingen Reservoir, Switzerland): Pre-sent situation and history.