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More than one third of the human brain is devoted to the processes of seeing - vision is after all the main way in which we gather information about the world. This book is unique in focusing on vision as an 'active' process. It goes beyond most accounts of vision where the focus is on seeing, to provide an integrated account of seeing AND looking. Written by two leading vision scientists, this book will be valuable for vision researchers and psychology students, from undergraduate level upwards.
This book focuses on vision as an 'active' process. It goes beyond most accounts of vision where the focus is on seeing, to provide an integrated account of seeing AND looking.
. . . a marvellous and bold book, which, as the authors state, attempts to initiate a paradigm shift. The type of research questions vision scientists ask in 20 years time will only then reveal whether the authors have succeeded.
Passive Vision and Active Vision
1.1: Introduction
1.2: Passive vision
1.3: Visual attention
1.4: Active vision
1.5: Active vision and vision for action
1.6: Outline of the book
Background to Active Vision
2.1: Introduction
2.2: The inhomogeneity of the visual projections
2.3: Parallel visual pathways
2.4: The oculomotor system
2.5: Saccadic eye movements
2.6: Summary
Visual Selection, Covert Attention and Eye Movements
3.1: Covert and overt attention
3.2: Covert spatial attention
3.3: The relationship between covert and overt attention
3.4: Speed of attention
3.5: Neurophysiology of attention
3.6: Non-spatial attention
3.7: Active vision and attention
3.8: Summary
Visual Orienting
4.1: Introduction
4.2: What determines the latency of orienting saccades?
4.3: Physiology of saccade initiation
4.4: What determines the landing position of orienting saccades?
4.5: Physiology of the WHERE system
4.6: The Findlay and Walker model
4.7: Development and plasticity
Visual Sampling during Text Reading
5.1: Introduction
5.2: Basic patterns of visual sampling during reading
5.3: Perception during fixations in reading
5.4: Language processing
5.5: Control of fixation duration
5.6: Control of landing position
5.7: Theories of eye control during reading
5.8: Practical aspects of eye control in reading
5.9: Overview
Visual Search
6.1: Visual search tasks
6.2: Theories of visual search
6.3: The need for eye movements in visual search
6.4: Eye movements in visual search
6.5: Ocular capture in visual search
6.6: Saccades in visual search: scanpaths
6.7: Physiology of visual search
6.8: Summary
Natural Scenes and Activities
7.1: Introduction
7.2: Analytic studies of scene and object perception
7.3: Dynamic scenes and situations
7.4: Summary
Human Neuropsychology
8.1: Blindsight
8.2: Neglect
8.3: Balint's syndrome and dorsal simultanagnosia
8.4: Frontal lobe damage
8.5: Orienting without eye movements
8.6: Summary
Space Constancy and Trans-saccadic Integration
9.1: The traditional approach: 'compensatory taking
into account'
9.2: Trans-saccadic integration
9.3: Resolution of the conflicting results
9.4: Conclusion: The Active Vision Cycle
9.5: Future directions