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Zusatztext The Passion Test provides the simplest! clearest way to get started on knowing what you want-by getting clear on who you are. T. Harv Eker! #1 New York Times bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind It's simple! it's easy! and it's profound. Jack Canfield ! #1 New York Times bestselling co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul [A] clear! simple! and effective method to help you identify your core passions so you can create the fulfilling life you deserve. John Gray ! Ph.D.! #1 New York Times bestselling author of Men Are from Mars! Women Are from Venus Co-founders of the online magazine Healthy Wealthy 'n' Wise! husband and wife team Bray and Attwood have produced a self-help guide with a simple test at its core! requiring readers to list and prioritize their goals! wants and desires! weeding and striking until they have just five 'passions' listed; those are then held against one's life to determine how close one is to each (readers are encouraged to retake the test every six months). A full life steeped in passion is achievable! the authors assert! through the application of three concepts: intention! attention and "no tension." In part one! these concepts are explored in depth! along with seven steps for "Living Life Aligned with Passion"; part two puts these ideas into action. Throughout! the text is peppered with anecdotes! theories and analysis from experts and colleagues who have taken the test and put it to use in their lives both practical and intuitive. Publishers Weekly Informationen zum Autor Janet Attwood Klappentext The inspirational and life-changing New York Times bestseller that will help you discover the meaning behind your life. Can a simple test change a person's life? Through their New York Times bestseller The Passion Test, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have inspired thousands to shape their lives by discovering their passions and living according to what matters most to them. Readers can identify their top five passions by taking the Test, and then learn exactly how to align their lives with their priorities by following the Attwoods' easy-to-follow step-by-step program of action. Combining powerful storytelling and profound wisdom from models of passionate living such as Jack Canfield, Richard Paul Evans, and Stephen M.R. Covey, as well as drawing on their own personal experiences, the Attwoods show how living a full and impassioned life is not only possible, it's inevitable- for anyone willing to take the Test. Zusammenfassung The inspirational and life-changing New York Times bestseller that will help you discover the meaning behind your life. Can a simple test change a person's life? Through their New York Times bestseller The Passion Test , Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have inspired thousands to shape their lives by discovering their passions and living according to what matters most to them. Readers can identify their top five passions by taking the Test, and then learn exactly how to align their lives with their priorities by following the Attwoods' easy-to-follow step-by-step program of action. Combining powerful storytelling and profound wisdom from models of passionate living such as Jack Canfield, Richard Paul Evans, and Stephen M.R. Covey, as well as drawing on their own personal experiences, the Attwoods show how living a full and impassioned life is not only possible, it's inevitablefor anyone willing to take the Test....
ldquo;The Passion Test provides the simplest, clearest way to get started on knowing what you want-by getting clear on who you are.”—T. Harv Eker, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
“It's simple, it's easy, and it's profound.”—Jack Canfield, #1 New York Times bestselling co-creator of Chicken Soup for the Soul 
“[A] clear, simple, and effective method to help you identify your core passions so you can create the fulfilling life you deserve.”—John Gray, Ph.D., #1 New York Times bestselling author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
“Co-founders of the online magazine Healthy Wealthy 'n' Wise, husband and wife team Bray and Attwood have produced a self-help guide with a simple test at its core, requiring readers to list and prioritize their goals, wants and desires, weeding and striking until they have just five ‘passions’ listed; those are then held against one's life to determine how close one is to each (readers are encouraged to retake the test every six months). A full life steeped in passion is achievable, the authors assert, through the application of three concepts: intention, attention and "no tension." In part one, these concepts are explored in depth, along with seven steps for "Living Life Aligned with Passion"; part two puts these ideas into action. Throughout, the text is peppered with anecdotes, theories and analysis from experts and colleagues who have taken the test and put it to use in their lives… both practical and intuitive.”—Publishers Weekly
Janet Attwood
The inspirational and life-changing New York Times bestseller that will help you discover the meaning behind your life.
Can a simple test change a person's life? Through their New York Times bestseller The Passion Test, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have inspired thousands to shape their lives by discovering their passions and living according to what matters most to them. Readers can identify their top five passions by taking the Test, and then learn exactly how to align their lives with their priorities by following the Attwoods' easy-to-follow step-by-step program of action.
Combining powerful storytelling and profound wisdom from models of passionate living such as Jack Canfield, Richard Paul Evans, and Stephen M.R. Covey, as well as drawing on their own personal experiences, the Attwoods show how living a full and impassioned life is not only possible, it's inevitable- for anyone willing to take the Test.
The inspirational and life-changing New York Times bestseller that will help you discover the meaning behind your life.
Can a simple test change a person’s life? Through their New York Times bestseller The Passion Test, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood have inspired thousands to shape their lives by discovering their passions and living according to what matters most to them. Readers can identify their top five passions by taking the Test, and then learn exactly how to align their lives with their priorities by following the Attwoods’ easy-to-follow step-by-step program of action.
Combining powerful storytelling and profound wisdom from models of passionate living such as Jack Canfield, Richard Paul Evans, and Stephen M.R. Covey, as well as drawing on their own personal experiences, the Attwoods show how living a full and impassioned life is not only possible, it’s inevitable—for anyone willing to take the Test.