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Develop your voice in English
Mit Voices werden erwachsene Lernende ermutigt, die englische Sprache als Werkzeug für die globale Kommunikation zu nutzen. Gleichzeitig lernen sie, ein Verständnis für Menschen unterschiedlichster Kulturen zu entwickeln sowie verschiedenste Perspektiven einzunehmen. Authentische Situationen bereiten die Lernenden umfassend auf den interkulturellen Austausch vor und leiten sie an, ihre eigene Stimme auf Englisch zu entwickeln.
Voices hat alles, was Sie brauchen, wenn Sie es brauchen
Voices ist ein siebenstufiges Lernprogramm für Erwachsene und junge Erwachsene, mit dem Lehrkräfte sowohl im digitalen Klassenraum als auch in Präsenz sicher unterrichten können. Entwickelt von erfahrenen Pädagogen und Sprachexperten spricht der umfassende Ansatz von Voices gleichermaßen Anfänger/-innen und Fortgeschrittene an. Dank der klaren Struktur des Materials navigieren die Lernenden systematisch durch verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade. Aufeinander aufbauende Lektionen decken alle Aspekte der Sprache ab von Grammatik und Vokabular bis hin zu Hörverständnis und mündlicher Kommunikation.
Bringing the world to the classroom and the classroom to life
Mit Voices werden authentische Lernumgebungen geschaffen, um interkulturelle Sprachkompetenzen zu entwickeln:
Kursbuch mit 12 UnitsInklusive Zugang zur Lernplattform learn.eltngl.com für Online Practice und Student's eBookIm E-Book sind alle Audios und Videos integriert.
Emily Bryson is an ESOL lecturer, writer, teacher trainer and graphic facilitator. Her first teaching experience was at a summer school in Poland in 2002. After completing her MA in Social Sciences, she moved to South Korea to teach children and teenagers. On returning to Scotland, she took a job as an ESOL lecturer at City of Glasgow college, where she still teaches. Over the years she has completed secondments with the Scottish Refugee Council, Education Scotland and ESOL Network Project. Her materials writing experience extends to various print and digital materials for a number of ELT publishers. She frequently blogs and delivers teacher training. Her current areas of specific interest are the education of people seeking refuge, literacy, inclusion, accessibility, visual literacy and graphic facilitation. Emily is a co-author on the Voices program for young adult and adults from National Geographic Learning.Christien Lee, who has dual Canadian and British citizenship, has worked in English Language Teaching for more than 20 years. His roles have included teacher, teacher trainer, curriculum developer, materials writer, director of studies, consultant, and author. In addition, he founded and ran an award-winning private language school in Canada for almost ten years. He has wide experience in ELT, but specializes in academic English and, particularly, exam preparation. Currently, his focus is on developing innovative e-learning materials and writing textbooks. He is the author of several ELT titles. This is his first book for National Geographic Learning.
With Voices, learners use English as a tool for global communication and are encouraged to celebrate connections among people from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. Carefully sequenced activities featuring real world content fully prepare learners for interaction and guide them to develop their voice in English. Voices is a seven-level, integrated-skills program for adults and young adults that enables instructors to teach with confidence in all classrooms. Supported by a common-sense lesson progression and a Virtual Voices Toolkit featuring professional development resources, teachers have the learning and teaching materials they need to deliver engaging courses both online and in person.