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This book provides a broad overview of how the promotion of ocean and coastal literacy is being planned, applied and evaluated in Brazil, a country of continental dimensions with a great diversity of cultural, educational and social realities. It discusses a range of target groups, from children to adults; formal and informal strategies; and various promoting players, such as groups/institutions. Researchers representing Brazilian academic institutions and NGOs share their environmental education (EE) experiences in Brazil and describe the main concerns regarding the marine and coastal environments as well as how they are addressing these concerns in their EE projects. This book is of interest to anyone who is looking for ways of designing and implementing EE activities with a robust theoretical background in different socio-cultural scenarios.
Addresses the conceptual framework that underlies the planning and evaluation of marine environmental education activities Useful to any researcher wanting to establish national plans for marine environmental education Discusses Brazilian initiatives related to marine environmental education
Natalia Pirani Ghilardi-Lopes is a biologist with a PhD in Marine Ecology from the University of São Paulo. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of ABC in Santo André (São Paulo State, Brazil). Her main research interests are related to the development and evaluation of marine and coastal environmental education activities, and citizen science protocols. She also develops studies on the ecology of rocky shore benthic communities.
Flavio Augusto de Souza Berchez is a biologist with a PhD in Marine Ecology from the University of São Paulo (USP). He is currently a Professor of the Biosciences Institute at USP. His main research interests are descriptive ecology of hard bottom benthic communities, particularly the habitat patterns and the effects of water motion extreme events, and the creation, application and evaluation of marine ecosystems' environmental education models.