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This book, the first of its kind in this subject area, will focus on in vitro approaches to the study of the toxicology of polluting agents (including heavy metals, radionuclides, micro-organics, estrogenic compounds, and complex mixtures) in the aquatic environment. The importance of in vitro methods is that they allow standardised techniques to be developed and validated for substance and species specific experiments in a controlled way. Also, they allow mechanistic studies without the problems of individual variation between animals and environmental stress.
First book of its kind in aquatic toxicology Considers the use of in vitro techniques for ecotoxicology Discusses alle the toxicants of relevance to the aquatic environment
In this ground-breaking work, focus is placed on in vitro approaches to the study of the toxicology of polluting agents in the aquatic environment. Methods are critically discussed and both the shortcomings and advantages are presented. The reader is asked to consider the appropriateness of a method in relation to the question being asked, and shown how to develop relevant in vitro models. The importance of validating and interpreting in vitro data is stressed.
As well as providing this valuable assessment of methods and data, "In Vitro Methods in Aquatic Toxicology" also presents a new philosophical approach central to ecotoxicology, embedding in vitro exotoxicogical methods firmly in the context of an integrated approach to determining the impacts of toxins in the environment.
Introduction; basic culture methods for aquatic species; basic approaches in in vitro toxicology; specialised tissue culture methods; Species specific techniques; endpoints and tools; recombinant technologies, proteomics and genomics, heavy metals; micro-organis and estrogenic compounds; carcinogens and genotoxic agents; radionuclides; sediments; biotoxins; validation: in vitro in vivo bridging approaches; regulation: practical and legal issues; discussion