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Praise for the Fourth Edition "The book follows faithfully the style of the original edition. The approach is heavily motivated by real-world time series, and by developing a complete approach to model building, estimation, forecasting and control." - Mathematical Reviews Bridging classical models and modern topics, the Fifth Edition of Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control maintains a balanced presentation of the tools for modeling and analyzing time series. Also describing the latest developments that have occurred in the field over the past decade through applications from areas such as business, finance, and engineering, the Fifth Edition continues to serve as one of the most influential and prominent works on the subject. Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Fifth Edition provides a clearly written exploration of the key methods for building, classifying, testing, and analyzing stochastic models for time series and describes their use in five important areas of application: forecasting; determining the transfer function of a system; modeling the effects of intervention events; developing multivariate dynamic models; and designing simple control schemes. Along with these classical uses, the new edition covers modern topics with new features that include: A redesigned chapter on multivariate time series analysis with an expanded treatment of Vector Autoregressive, or VAR models, along with a discussion of the analytical tools needed for modeling vector time series An expanded chapter on special topics covering unit root testing, time-varying volatility models such as ARCH and GARCH, nonlinear time series models, and long memory models Numerous examples drawn from finance, economics, engineering, and other related fields The use of the publicly available R software for graphical illustrations and numerical calculations along with scripts that demonstrate the use of R for model building and forecasting Updates to literature references throughout and new end-of-chapter exercises Streamlined chapter introductions and revisions that update and enhance the exposition Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, Fifth Edition is a valuable real-world reference for researchers and practitioners in time series analysis, econometrics, finance, and related fields. The book is also an excellent textbook for beginning graduate-level courses in advanced statistics, mathematics, economics, finance, engineering, and physics. The late George E. P. Box, PhD, was professor emeritus of statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a recipient of the Samuel S. Wilks Memorial Medal of the American Statistical Association, the Shewhart Medal of the American Society for Quality, and the Guy Medal in Gold of the Royal Statistical Society. Dr. Box was also author of seven Wiley books. The late Gwilym M. Jenkins, PhD, was professor of systems engineering at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, where he was also founder and managing director of the International Systems Corporation of Lancaster. A Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Institute of Statisticians, Dr. Jenkins had a prestigious career in both academia and consulting work that included positions at Imperial College London, Stanford University, Princeton University, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was widely known for his work on time series analysis, most notably his groundbreaking work with Dr. Box on the Box-Jenkins models. The late Gregory C. Reinsel, PhD, was professor and former chair of the department of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Reinsel's expertise was focused on time series analysis and its applications in areas as diverse as economics, ecology, engineering, and meteorology. He authored over seventy refereed articles and three books, and was a Fellow of both the American Statistical Assoc...
The late George E. P. Box, PhD, was professor emeritus of statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and a recipient of the Samuel S. Wilks Memorial Medal of the American Statistical Association, the Shewhart Medal of the American Society for Quality, and the Guy Medal in Gold of the Royal Statistical Society. Dr. Box was also author of seven Wiley books.
The late Gwilym M. Jenkins, PhD, was professor of systems engineering at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom, where he was also founder and managing director of the International Systems Corporation of Lancaster. A Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the Institute of Statisticians, Dr. Jenkins had a prestigious career in both academia and consulting work that included positions at Imperial College London, Stanford University, Princeton University, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He was widely known for his work on time series analysis, most notably his groundbreaking work with Dr. Box on the Box-Jenkins models.
The late Gregory C. Reinsel, PhD, was professor and former chair of the department of Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Reinsel's expertise was focused on time series analysis and its applications in areas as diverse as economics, ecology, engineering, and meteorology. He authored over seventy refereed articles and three books, and was a Fellow of both the American Statistical Association and the Institute of Mathematical Statistics.
Greta M. Ljung, PhD, is a statistical consultant residing in Lexington, MA. She received her doctorate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she did her research in time series analysis under the direction of Professor George Box. Dr. Ljung's career includes teaching positions at Boston University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a position as Principal Scientist at AIR Worldwide in Boston. Her many accomplishments include joint work with George Box on a time series goodness of fit test, which is widely applied in econometrics and other fields.
Praise for the Fourth Edition The book follows faithfully the style of the original edition. The approach is heavily motivated by real-world time series, and by developing a complete approach to model building, estimation, forecasting and control.
Preface to the Fifth Edition xix
Preface to the Fourth Edition xxiii
Preface to the Third Edition xxv
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Five Important Practical Problems 2
1.2 Stochastic and Deterministic Dynamic Mathematical Models 6
1.3 Basic Ideas in Model Building 14
Appendix A. 1 Use of the R Software 17
Exercises 18
Part One Stochastic Models and Their Forecasting 19
2 Autocorrelation Function and Spectrum of Stationary Processes 21
2.1 Autocorrelation Properties of Stationary Models 21
2.2 Spectral Properties of Stationary Models 34
Appendix A2. 1 Link Between the Sample Spectrum and Autocovariance Function Estimate 43
Exercises 44
3 Linear Stationary Models 47
3.1 General Linear Process 47
3.2 Autoregressive Processes 54
3.3 Moving Average Processes 68
3.4 Mixed Autoregressive--Moving Average Processes 75
Appendix A3. 1 Autocovariances Autocovariance Generating Function, and Stationarity Conditions for a General Linear Process 82
Appendix A3. 2 Recursive Method for Calculating Estimates of Autoregressive Parameters 84
Exercises 86
4 Linear Nonstationary Models 88
4.1 Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Processes 88
4.2 Three Explicit Forms for the ARIMA Model 97
4.3 Integrated Moving Average Processes 106
Appendix A4. 1 Linear Difference Equations 116
Appendix A4. 2 IMA(0, 1, 1) Process with Deterministic Drift 121
Appendix A4. 3 ARIMA Processes with Added Noise 122
Exercises 126
*5 Forecasting 129…