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This monograph describes early Ordovician (Ibexian: Tremadocian-early Floian) trilobites from Northern Spitsbergen from the section through the Kirtonryggen Formation adjacent to Hinlopen Strait. The Formation is divided into three Members, each with distinct trilobites collectively representing the fullest known succession from the Bathyurid biofacies of the eastern Laurentian carbonate platform. Previous research on the Ordovician of Spitsbergen is summarised and correlations with similar faunas previously described from Canada, Greenland, western Newfoundland, Vermont-New York State, Oklahoma and Missouri are discussed. Taxonomic problems are discussed in detail leading to the recognition of 53 species, of which 15 are new, belonging to 31 genera including four new. Twenty-four taxa are described under open or tentative nomenclature. The lower Member yields the earliest known occurrences of the Illaenoidea, Proetoidea and Scutelluoidea, supporting the hypotheses relating the origin of new major clades to inshore habitats.
Professor Richard Fortey, F.R.S. is Merit Researcher at the Department of Palaeontology, Natural History Museum.
This monograph describes early Ordovician (Ibexian:Tremadocianearly Floian) trilobites from Northern Spitsbergen from the section through the Kirtonryggen Formation adjacent to Hinlopen Strait. The Formation is divided into three Members, each with distinct trilobites collectively representing the fullest known succession from the Bathyurid biofacies of the eastern Laurentian carbonate platform. Previous research on the Ordovician of Spitsbergen is summarised and correlations with similar faunas previously described from Canada, Greenland, western Newfoundland, VermontNew York State, Oklahoma and Missouri are discussed. Taxonomic problems are discussed in detail leading to the recognition of 53 species, of which 15 are new, belonging to 31 genera including four new. Twenty-four taxa are described under open or tentative nomenclature. The lower Member yields the earliest known occurrences of the Illaenoidea, Proetoidea and Scutelluoidea, supporting the hypotheses relating the origin of new major clades to inshore habitats.
This monograph describes early Ordovician (Ibexian: Tremadocianearly Floian) trilobites from Northern Spitsbergen from the section through the Kirtonryggen Formation adjacent to Hinlopen Strait. The Formation is divided into three Members, each with distinct trilobites collectively representing the fullest known succession from the Bathyurid biofacies of the eastern Laurentian carbonate platform. Previous research on the Ordovician of Spitsbergen is summarised and correlations with similar faunas previously described from Canada, Greenland, western Newfoundland, VermontNew York State, Oklahoma and Missouri are discussed. Taxonomic problems are discussed in detail leading to the recognition of 53 species, of which 15 are new, belonging to 31 genera including four new. Twenty-four taxa are described under open or tentative nomenclature. The lower Member yields the earliest known occurrences of the Illaenoidea, Proetoidea and Scutelluoidea, supporting the hypotheses relating the origin of new major clades to inshore habitats.
Introduction 2
Summary of previous research on the Ordovician of Spitsbergen 3
Stratigraphy of the Kirtonryggen Formation 4
Stratigraphic sub-divisions and age 4
TremadocianFloian boundary 9
Correlation with other areas of Ordovician Laurentia 10
Greenland 11
Canada 12
Northwest Scotland 13
USA 13
Occurrence of trilobites in the Kirtonryggen Formation 15
Field occurrence 15
Biofacies and biogeography 15
Peculiarities of the Spitsbergen faunas 16
Eastern and western Laurentia 17
Origin of major trilobite clades 18
Th e family Bathyuridae 19
Th e problem of type species 20
Morphology of Bathyuridae 21
Systematic Palaeontology 23
Order Aulacopleurida Adrain, 2011 23
Family Hystricuridae Hupé, 1953 23
Genus Svalbardicurus ngen 23
Svalbardicurus delicatus nsp 24
Genus Hystricurus Raymond, 1913 26
Hystricurus cfHystricurus spnovB Adrain et al., 2003 26
Hystricurus sp1 27
Order Proetida Fortey & Owens, 1975 28
Family Bathyuridae Walcott, 1886 28
Sub-family Bathyurinae Walcott, 1886 28
Genus Bolbocephalus Whitfi eld, 1890 28
Bolbocephalus gunnari nsp 30
Bolbocephalus convexus (Billings, 1865) 31
Bolbocephalus stclairi Cullison, 1944 33
Bolbocephalus spcfBkindlei Boyce, 1989 35
Genus Catochia Fortey, 1979 35
Catochia hinlopensis nsp 35
Catochia ornata Fortey, 1979 37
Genus Jeffersonia Poulsen, 1927 37
Jeffersonia striagena nsp 38
Jeffersonia viator nsp 42
Jeffersonia timon (Billings, 1865) 44
'Jeffersonia' aff Jgranosa Cullison, 1944 46
Genus Peltabellia Whittington, 1953 46
Peltabellia glabra nsp 47
Genus Petigurus Raymond, 1913 49
Petigurus nero (Billings, 1865) 49
Petigurus groenlandicus Poulsen, 1937 50
Genus Psalikilopsis Ross, 1953 52
Psalikilopsis nspaff Pcuspicaudata Ross, 1953 53
Bathyurine ngennspA 54
Sub-family Bathyurellinae Hupé, 1953 55
Genus Bathyurellus Billings, 1865 55
Bathyurellus abruptus Billings, 1865 56
Bathyurellus diclementsae nsp 57
Genus Benthamaspis Poulsen, 1946 60
Benthamaspis gibberula (Billings, 1865) 60
Benthamaspis conica Fortey, 1979 62
Genus Ceratopeltis Poulsen, 1937 63
Ceratopeltis cfCbatchensis Adrain & Westrop, 2005 63
Genus Chapmanopyge ngen 63
Chapmanopyge cfsp1 (Loch, 2007) 65
Chapmanopyge 'amplimarginiata' (Billings, 1865) 65
Chapmanopyge cfCsanddoelaensis (Adrain & Westrop, 2005) 67
Chapmanopyge nspA 68
Genus Grinnellaspis Poulsen, 1946 68
Grinnellaspis newfoundlandensis Boyce, 1989 68
Genus Harlandaspis ngen 68
Harlandaspis elongata nsp 71
Genus Licnocephala Ross, 1951 74
Licnocephala brevicauda (Poulsen, 1937) 74
Licnocephala nspA 75
Licnocephala nspB 76
Licnocephala? nspC 76
Genus Punka Fortey, 1979 76
Punka latissima nsp 77
Punka fl abelliformis Fortey, 1979 79
Genus Uromystrum Whittington, 1953 80
Uromystrum affi ne (Poulsen, 1937) 81
Uromystrum aff Uaffine (Poulsen, 1937) 84
Uromystrum drepanon nsp 85
Family Dimeropygidae Hupé, 1955 86
Genus Ischyrotoma Raymond, 1925 86
Ischyrotoma parallela (Boyce,1989) 87
Ischyrotoma nspA 89
Family Proetidae Salter, 1864 90
Genus Phaseolops Whittington, 1963 90
Phaseolops? bobowensi nsp 90
Family Telephinidae Marek, 1952 92
Genus Carolinites Kobayashi, 1940 92
Carolinites? nspA 92
Order Corynexochida Kobayashi, 1935 94
Family Illaenidae Hawle & Corda, 1847 94 Genus Illaenus Dalman, 1827 9...