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Why do I feel strange in my apartment? Why is my restaurant not attracting customers? Why are there so many problems with the construction of my house?
Questions like these have made many people wonder whether the places they're living or working in may have an effect on what is (or is not) happening in their lives. The short answer: they do. Why? Because places, spaces, and buildings hold special energies.
With over 25 years of experience in systemic constellation work, Kristine Alex uses the place constellation method to investigate these questions on the energetic level and uncover insights and answers.
Time and again, her work has brought to light a place's unconscious field which stores all the past events that have taken place in a house or property. The place constellation method makes this phenomenon visible and very often delivers fairly specific insights and indicators on how to best resolve the underlying issue. By releasing a place from its past disturbances, its energy field becomes once again free and unburdened for people in the present to live and work in it harmoniously. The effect: construction projects run smoothly, inheritance disputes are resolved, and an overall sense of serenity and contentment sets in
The Author
Kristine Alex (née Erb), Dipl. oec. troph., was born in 1963. She has a son
and lives with her family in the Chiemgau region of Bavaria, Germany,
where she also works in her own practice space. She also has a practice
in Munich.
In 1988, Kristine graduated in Ecotrophology from the
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelm University in Bonn with a specialization in
World Food Economics and Consulting and Communication.
Before she discovered constellation work, she worked
professionally on various international projects in Europe, Africa, and the
Caribbean. This included leading international nutrition studies in Haiti,
Mauritania, and Zaire and setting up an international epidemiological
cancer study in Europe. She also held a responsible position at the
International Red Cross for one year in the crisis area of Rwanda (refugee
operation in Tanzania, Burundi, Uganda, Congo).
She first encountered constellation work in 1993, and since
then she hasn't looked back. In 1998 she founded »Systeme in Aktion«
(Systems in Action), a systemic constellation and training institute, and
opened her practice in Munich.
At that time, constellation work in a professional context was
still very new and unknown. In 2001, she published her book The Orders
of Success. An Introduction to Organizational Systemic Constellations
(German Title: Die Ordnungen des Erfolgs. Einführung in die Organisations
Constellation), which was one of the first on the subject and is still being
used today as a foundation textbook.
In addition, she works with a wide variety of areas, including
supporting the clarification process for family issues, and working with
children and adolescents. One area of expertise is working through the
psychological background of bodily symptoms in everyday life and at work.
Through many years of working with energetic fields, she has sharpened
her view for a wide range of perception levels, including those already
known from classical family constellations, and incorporates them into the
solution processes. Her work is mindful and profoundly comprehensive,
characterized by a clear and open-hearted approach. In recent years, she
has been particularly fascinated by the work of accompanying people in
their search for an energetic clarification of their home and a suitable
business location.
Privately and professionally, she has found and established
her home and her workplace.
Systeme in Aktion
Institute & Practice for Systemic Constellations
Kristine Alex
Am Seefeld 5
83257 Gstadt