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Silicate Science, Volume VIII: Industrial Glass: Glazes and Enamels presents a focused discussion regarding glass fusion furnace construction as well as improvement for the efficiency of the various systems involved in glass engineering. The research papers presented in this volume are limited in the discussion of the physical and chemical reaction phenomena which occur in glass tank furnace and electric furnaces of other shapes.
The book comprises of six major chapters where some chapters further divide into two parts. Most of the topics covered in this book include important improvements in the reactions of some batches, homogenization and fining of raw melts, and the behavior of the glass melts in situations where refractories come into contact with the molten material.
This volume will serve as a rich source of information to students and researchers in the glass engineering, manufacturing, and technology.
Preface to Volumes VII and VIII
Contents of Other Volumes
General Introduction
Chapter I
Part A: Reactions of Glass Batch Mixtures at Elevated Temperatures
Elementary Batch Reactions
Heterogeneities in Primary Batch Reaction Products
Vacuum Melting of Glass; Influence of the Furnace Gas Atmosphere
Part B: Reactions in Batches and Their Kinetics
Glass Formation in Carbonate-Containing Batch Systems
Borosilicate and Lead Silicate Glass-Batch Reactions
Sulfate Reactions in Glass Batches
Composition and Reactions of the Glass Tank Furnace Atmosphere
Dissolution Processes of Solid Batch Ingredients
Chapter II
Fining of Molten Glass
Introduction: Bubbles in Glass and the Nature of Their Gaseous Contents
Practical Fining Experience. Details of Fining Techniques
Hydrodynamic Flow Conditions in the Glass Bath
Chapter III
Requirements That Must Be Fulfilled By the Fined Glass before Working
Stainings; Color Correction (Decolorization)
Color Effects Caused by Transition Elements
Color Changes Caused by Irradiation Luminescence
Minor Heterogeneities; Cords and Surface-Tension Effects
Rheology of Glass in the Workability Range
Surface Reactions of Flowing Glass Melts in Contact with Refractories
Problems of Contacts of Glass Melts with Gas Phases and Their Release
Inert Gases Dissolved in Glass Melts
Chapter IV
Part A: Technologically Important Physical and Chemical Properties of Glasses
Viscosity, Rheology, Phenomena, and Effects
Adhesion of Glass on Hot Metal Surfaces
Wettability and Corrosivity of Glass Melts in Contact with Metals and Ceramic Refractories
Heat Transfer by Conductance and Radiation in Glass Furnace Operations
Amber Glass
Selectivity of Transmissivity and Reflectance of Special Glass
Part B: Physical Properties of Glass as a Function of the Chemical Composition
The Principle of Additivity
Mechanical Properties and Chemical Composition of Glasses
Titania-Modified Glasses and Their Physical Properties
Optical Properties of Glasses
Crystallization Tendencies in Glasses
Dielectric Properties in Correlation with Crystallization
Electrical Properties at Low Temperatures Glass Electrodes
Behavior of Special Glasses for High-Vacuum and High-Frequency Technology
Composites of Semiconductor and Ionic Glasses
Glass/ Metal Sealing Problems
Chapter V
Chemical Durability of Glass
Leachability and Weathering Phenomena
Chemical Resistivity Phenomena of Glasses Exposed to Corrosive Acids
Constitutional Effects on the Chemical Durability of Glass
Effects of Organic Agents; Chelating Reactivity
Influence of Cords on Heterogenetics in Glass on Durability
Deterioration of Optical and Related Special Glasses by Moisture
Chemical Durability of Enamels, Frits, and Glazes in Comparison with Analogous Glasses
Chapter VI
Spontaneous and Controlled Crystallization in Glass
Devitrification of Glass "Stones" and Their Constituents
Representative Literature References on Crystallization in Glasses of Diversified Characteristics
Opalescence and Opacity of Glasses Containing Fluorides
Opalescence and Turbidity of Phosphate Glasses
Titanium Dioxide, Zirconium Dioxide, and Other Dioxides in Opal Glasses
Glass-Type Properties of Enamels
Adhesion Problems of Enamels on Metal Substrate
Metal-Ceramic Sealing Technologies
Constitution and Properties of Ceramic Glazes
Nucleated Crystalline Opacifiers in Enamels and Glazes
Titanium, Tin, and Zirconium Dioxide-Opacified Enamels, and Glazes
Author Index
Subject Index
Compound Index
Mineral Index