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The history of human beings is the history of global mobility, as evinced by the long journeys taken by our prehistoric ancestors. And more people are currently on the move than ever before: over 200 million worldwide, a larger population than most of the world's countries. The Psychology of Global Mobility explores the human dimensions behind the statistics-not only the stories of new immigrants and war refugees, but also business travelers, tourists, and students-for a distinctive guide to this ongoing evolution. This groundbreaking volume marks the coalescence of a newly-integrated field. It covers historical context (particularly the drastic changes of the past century); motives and behaviors associated with mobility; acculturation and other forms of adjustment; and social, political, and career capital gained by new settlers. A global long-view connects mobility to concepts of international health and human development, recognizing that both local and global knowledge are necessary for relevant, culturally-attuned practice and policy, the book: . Explains benefits as well as disadvantages of mobility. . Discusses the concept of the "mobile personality" and its real-world implications. . Describes multiple levels of methodological and ethical issues in research and practice. . Analyzes the effects of global mobility on local economies, including controversial "brain drain"/"brain gain" phenomena. . Considers the impact of information technology on physical mobility. . Provides a systems perspective on inclusion and well-being. . Offers detailed examples of interdisciplinary practice and service. The Psychology of Global Mobility is an essential text for cross-cultural psychologists, sociologists, policymakers, practitioners and researchers studying mobility, migration, and human development.
Human mobility has been a defining feature of human social evolution. In a global community, the term "mobility" captures the full gamut of types, directions, and patterns of human movement. The psychology of mobility is important because movement is inherently behavioral. Much of the behavioral study of mobility has focused on the negative examining the trauma of forced migration, or the health consequences of the lack of adaptation but this work looks into the benefits of mobility, such as its impact on career capital and well-being. Recent years have witnessed a phenomenal increase in efforts to understand human mobility, by social scientists, think-tanks, and policymakers alike. The book focuses on the transformational potential of mobility for human development.
The book details the historical, methodological, and theoretical trajectory of human mobility (Context), followed by sections on pre-departure incentives and predispositions (Motivation), influences on acculturation, health and community fit (Adjustment), and changes in career capital, overcoming bias, and diaspora networks (Performance).
Introduction: The Psychology of Global Mobility.- Introduction: The Psychology of Global Mobility.- Context.- Human Mobility in a Global Era.- Mixed-Methods Approaches to Contextually Grounded Research in Settings of Armed Conflict and Natural Disaster.- Ethical Psychological Practice with Geographically Mobile Individuals and Groups.- Motives.- Mobility and Personality.- Identity and Global Mobility.- Global Mobility, Local Economy: It's Work Psychology, Stupid!.- The Psychology of Enforced Mobility.- Adjustment.- Global Mobility and Cross-Cultural Training.- Mobility and Acculturation.- Mobility and Inclusion.- New Settlement and Wellbeing in Oppressive Contexts: A Liberation Psychology Approach.- Performance.- Mobility and Careers.- Global Mobility and Bias in the Workplace.- Technology, Mobility, and Poverty Reduction.