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Having a baby is an incredible experience, and the ultimate
responsibility! Parenting is a job that you start with no training
at all - and friends and family always seem to be the first
to tell you how best to bring up your children. But there's no
sure-fire formula for raising kids. Maybe that's because every
child, like every parent, is an individual, and no two parent-child
relationships are ever the same. So, you can give up any notions of
being a perfect parent. But, you can learn to keep the big mistakes
to a minimum and make the parenting experience easier and more
rewarding for your children and yourself. Which is where this book
comes in.
Covering information for newborns to pre-teens, Parenting For
Dummies gives you the essentials of parenting basics. From
dealing with a crying baby and potty training, to building
self-esteem and dealing with sibling rivalry, it offers a gold mine
of up-to-date advice.
Helen Brown is a journalist and a mother of three. She is Senior Editor for Boots Parenting Club magazines, the former Parenting Editor of She magazine and writes regularly for Mother and Baby.
Having a baby is an incredible experience, and the ultimate responsibility! Parenting is a job that you start with no training at all and friends and family always seem to be the first to tell you how best to bring up your children. But there's no sure-fire formula for raising kids. Maybe that's because every child, like every parent, is an individual, and no two parent-child relationships are ever the same. So, you can give up any notions of being a perfect parent. But, you can learn to keep the big mistakes to a minimum and make the parenting experience easier and more rewarding for your children and yourself. Which is where this book comes in.
Covering information for newborns to pre-teens, Parenting For Dummies gives you the essentials of parenting basics. From dealing with a crying baby and potty training, to building self-esteem and dealing with sibling rivalry, it offers a gold mine of up-to-date advice.
Introduction 1
About This Book 1
What You're Not to Read 2
Foolish Assumptions 2
Conventions Used in This Book 2
How This Book Is Organised 2
Part I: All About You: What Every Parent Should Know 3
Part II: All About Babies 3
Part III: All About Toddlers 3
Part IV: All About Preschoolers 3
Part V: All About Schoolies 4
Part VI: All About Siblings 4
Part VII: The Part of Tens 4
Icons Used in This Book 4
Where to Go from Here 5
Part I: All About You: What Every Parent Should Know 7
Chapter 1: Help! Where Do I Start? The Basics 9
Knowing Your Child: Ages and Stages 10
Baby 10
Toddler 10
Preschooler 11
Schoolchild 11
Oh, and watch for the funny bits 12
Knowing Yourself 12
Your role: Parts all parents should play 13
Your goals: Hopes all parents have 13
Your fears: Worries all parents share 14
Don't Panic It All Comes Together in the End! 14
Chapter 2: You're in Charge: Setting Boundaries 17
Boundary Basics 17
Understanding why boundaries work (even when they're broken) 18
Setting boundaries wisely 18
Strict? Easy going? What's your parenting style? 19
Toeing the Line: Making Boundaries Work 20
Being clear, certain, and consistent 20
Making it cool to do the right thing 21
Spelling out the consequences 22
Following through 22
Great ways to minimise boundary-breaking 23
Moving on: Reshaping boundaries together 24
Chapter 3: You Are Not Alone: Massing the Troops 25
Working with Your Partner 25
Discovering the truth about kids and relationships 26
Sharing the load 26
'But Daddy said ': Presenting a united parenting front 27
Finding time to be together 28
Working with Other Parents 29
Why what they say can keep you sane 30
And when you're better off not listening 30
A word about mothers and mothers-in-law 31
Single but Not Solo 32
Finding back-up 32
Choosing mentors 33
Step-parenting: Raising a 'blended' family 33
Chapter 4: Other Secrets of Great Parenting 35
Right Way? Wrong Way? Your Way 35
Big-Picture Parenting: Eight Skills That Will Serve You for Years 36
Avoiding the Common Parenting Pitfalls 38
Comparing and contrasting 38
Over-parenting 39
Setting too much store by stuff 39
Five Golden Mantras Great Parents Repeat Every Day 40
'Onwards and upwards' 40
'Don't forget to laugh' 40
'Once more, with feeling' 41
'Guilt gets you nowhere' 41
'It's a phase' 41
Horrid comments even good parents hear 42
Chapter 5: Childminders, Nurseries, and Nannies 43
Choosing the Right Option for You 43
The day nursery 44
The childminder 44
The nanny 45
The granny 46
Finding the Right People for the Job 47
Going on a nursery hunt? 47
Going on a childminder hunt? 49
Going on a nanny hunt? 50
And when they're older? 52
Separation and Settling In 53
The Wise Parent's Guide to Childcare 54
Back to Work 54
The practicalities: Sorted! 55
The guilt: Busted! 55
Part II: All About Babies 57
Chapter 6: Surviving, Thriving, and Diving In: Getting Accustomed to Having a Baby 59
The First Six Weeks 59
Fasten on your L-plates 60
Tear up the to-do list 60
Jump at all offers of help 60
Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? 61
He looks so weird! 61 He cries such ...