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By combining the analysis of biotic and abiotic components of terrestrial ecosystems, this book synthesizes material on arid and semiarid landscapes, which was previously scattered among various books and journal articles. It focuses on water-limited ecosystems, which are highly sensitive to fluctuations in hydrologic conditions and, in turn, play an important role in affecting the regional water cycle.
Intended as a tool for scientists working in the area of the earth and environmental sciences, this book presents the basic principles of eco-hydrology as well as a broad spectrum of topics and advances in this research field. Written by authors with diverse areas of expertise who work in arid areas around the world, the contributions describe the various interactions between the biological and physical dynamics in dryland ecosystems, ranging from basic processes in the soil-vegetation-climate system, to landscape-scale hydrologic and geomorphic processes, ecohydrologic controls on soil nutrient dynamics, and multiscale analyses of disturbances and patterns
Paolo D'Odorico received his Ph.D. from the University of Padua. He is a Professor of Hydrology at the University of California, Berkeley. His is currently investigating the role of hydrological processes in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems and societies, with a focus on ecohydrological feedback, ecosystem stability, desertification, and water use for food and energy production. He is the author of more than 200 peer-reviewed research papers, and co-author of Noise-Induced Phenomena in the Environmental Sciences (2011, Cambridge University Press), Elements of Physical Hydrology, Second Edition (2014, Johns Hopkins University Press), and Global Deforestation (2016, Cambridge University Press).
Christiane Runyan received her PhD in Environmental Science, with a focus on Hydrology, from the University of Virginia in 2013. Currently, she teaches Hydrology and Water Resources as well as Global Land Use Change at Johns Hopkins University. Her research focuses on how deforestation affects hydrological and biogeochemical processes. In 2016, she published a book on the issues surrounding deforestation entitled 'Global Deforestation' (2016, Cambridge University Press).
Amilcare Porporato holds a PhD from the Polytechnic of Turin and is currently the Thomas J Wu '94 Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University's Environmental Institute. His research interests include nonlinear and stochastic dynamical systems, land-atmosphere interaction, ecohydrology and biogeochemistry, sustainability and water resources and environmental thermodynamics. He is the author of more than 200 peer-reviewed research papers and co-author of the book "Ecohydrology of water controlled ecosystems" (Cambridge University Press).
Ecohydrology emerges as a new field of research aiming at furthering our understanding of the earth system through the study of the interactions between the water cycle and vegetation. By combining the analysis of biotic and abiotic components of terrestrial ecosystems, this volume provides a synthesis of material on arid and semiarid landscapes, which is currently spread in a number of books and journal articles. The focus on water-limited ecosystems is motivated by their high sensitivity to daily, seasonal, and decadal perturbations in water availability, and by the ecologic, climatic, and economic significance of most of the drylands around the world.
Conceived as a tool for scientists working in the area of the earth and environmental sciences, this book presents the basic principles of eco-hydrology as well as a broad spectrum of topics and advances in this research field. The chapters collected in this book have been contributed by authors with different expertise, who work in several arid areas around the World. They describe the various interactions among the biological and physical dynamics in dryland ecosystems, starting from basic processes in the soil-vegetation-climate system, to landscape-scale hydrologic and geomorphic processes, ecohydrologic controls on soil nutrient dynamics, and multiscale analyses of disturbances and patterns.
Preface. 1. Ecohydrology of Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems: An Introduction Paolo D'Odorico and Amilcare Porporato Part I: Fundamental Processes And Interactions In The Soil-Climate-Vegetation System 2. Soil Physical Properties, Processes, and Associated Root-Soil Interactions Jan W Hopmans 3. Soil Moisture Dynamics in Water-Limited Ecosystems Paolo D'Odorico and Amilcare Porporato 4. Ecophysiology of Plants in Dry Environments Leonardo Lombardini 5. Hydrologic Controls on Water Vapor and Carbon Fluxes in Semiarid Regions John D. Albertson, ChristopherA. Williams, Todd M Scanlon, and Nicola Montaldo 6. Interactions and Feedbacks between Climate and Dryland Vegetations Yongkang Xue Part II: Hydrogeomorphology Of Arid And Semiarid Landscapes 7. Controls on Patterns of Soil Moisture in Arid and Semiarid Systems Rodger Grayson, Andrew W. Western, Durga D. Kandel, JusUn F. Costelloe, and Davidi. Wilson 8. The History and Evolution of Desert Hydrology and Landforms: The Role of Climate Change Andrew S. Goudie 9. Hydroclimatology of Wind Erosion in Arid and Semiarid Environments Wim M. Cornelis 10. Hydrological and Geomorphological Significance of Riparian Vegetation in Drylands Carlo Camporeale, Paolo Perona, and Luca Ridolfi Part III: Ecohydrologic Controls On Nutrient Cycling 11. Modeling of Carbon and Nitrogen Cycling in Arid and Semiarid Ecosystems Stafano Manzoni, Paolo D'Odorico, and Amilcare Porporato 12. Interactions of Water and Nitrogen on Primary Productivity across Spatial and Temporal Scales in Grassland and Shrubland Ecosystems Howard E. Epstein, Jose M. Paruelo, Gervasio Pineiro, Ingrid C. Burke, William K. Lauenroth, and John E. Barrett 13. Interactions between Water Availability and Nutrient Cycling in Dry Tropical Forests Larissa Read and Deborah Lawrence 14. Biogenic Emissions of Nitric Oxide and Nitrous Oxide from Arid andSemiarid Land Franz X. Meixner and Wen X. Yang Part IV: Disturbances And Patterns In Arid And Semiarid Ecosystems 15. Pattern and Process in Savanna Ecosystems Kelly K Caylor and Herman H. Shugart 16. Fire Regimes in Dryland Landscapes Christelle Hely and SamuelAlleaume 17. Termites as Mediators of the Water Economy of Arid Savanna Ecosystems J. Scott Turner 18. Understanding Global Desertification: Biophysical and Socio-Economic Dimensions of Hydrology Fernando T. Maestre, James F. Reynolds, Elisabeth Huber-Sannwald, Jeff Herrick, and Mark Stafford Smith Contributors Index