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Since its inception, the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies (IRGCVD) has followed the policy that the Symposium Pro ceedings should be as close as possible to a complete record of the scientific content of the meeting. This policy has the advantage of providing an accurate picture of the current state of the art in research on color vision deficiencies, but it also has the disadvantage that papers typically span a wide range of quality. In this volume, however, we have instituted a system of peer review in an effort to enhance scientific quality as much as possible while continuing our past policy of publishing all submitted manuscripts. In addition to being edited for English composition and grammar, each of the papers included here has been carefully reviewed by an IRGCVD member selected for his or her expertise in the specific topic of the paper. Reviewers were instructed to include in their comments suggestions for improvement rather than recom or rejection. In our opinion, this review process mendations for publication has resulted in substantial improvement of many of the articles and has enhanced the value of the publication. We are pleased to acknowledge the efforts of our reviewers and offer them our sincere thanks for their important contributions to Colour Vision Deficiencies X. The Editors B. Drum, J. D. Moreland & A. Serra (eds. ), Colour Vision Deficiencies X, p. xiii.
One. Stimulus Field Size Effects in Colour Vision.- 1. Y. Ohta (Invited Paper): Tokyo, Japan Change in color vision for prototype anomaloscope with a visual field of 2° to 20°.- 2. W. Jaeger, H. Krastel and G. Marat: Heidelberg, West Germany Large field spectral matches in dichromats.- 3. A. Iivanainen and J. Rovamo: Helsinki, Finland The effect of stimulus size on the detection of chromatic deviations from white and yellow across the human visual field.- 4. V.J. Honson and S.J. Dain: Kensington, Australia The effects of size and analysis method on the performance of the Farnsworth-Munsell D-15 test.- 5. K. Knoblauch, M. Fischer, N. Robillard, I.S. Grunwald and E. Faye: New York, NY, U.S.A. The effect of test element size on performance of the D-15 in age-related maculopathy and congenital color deficiency.- 6. H. Plendl, W. Paulus and S. Krafczyk: Munich, West Germany Effect of field size on the colour evoked potentials and the electroretinogram.- 7. J.J. Kulikowski, I.J. Murray and M.H.A. Russell: Manchester, U.K. Effect of stimulus size on chromatic and achromatic VEPs.- Two. New Colour Vision Tests, Examination Methods and Data Analyses.- 8. J.D. Mollon, S. Astell and J.P. Reffin: Cambridge, U.K. A minimalist test of colour vision.- 9. J.P. Reffin, S. Astell and J.D. Mollon: Cambridge, U.K. Trials of a computer-controlled colour vision test that preserves the advantages of pseudoisochromatic plates.- 10. B. Drum, C. Sternheim and M. Severns: Baltimore, College Park and Gaithersburg, MD, U.S.A. Anomaloscope plate test field trial: comparisons with four other tests of congenital red-green color vision deficiencies.- 11. J.K. Hovis and H. Dolman: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Estimating chromatic thresholds.- 12. G. Derefeldt, C-E. Hedin, K-O. Skoog and G. Verriest: Linköping, Sweden and Ghent, Belgium A VDU colour vision test for congenital colour vision deficiencies.- 13. G. Verriest, F.E. Sucs and A. Uvijls: Ghent and Brussels, Belgium Spectral and flicker sensitivity functions with a fibre optic non-Maxwellian view system.- 14. R. Fletcher; London, U.K. and Kongsberg Inginør Høgskole, Norway A modified lantern test.- 15. M. Aguilar, M.L.F. de Mattiello and D. Ribas: Buenos Aires, Argentina Fusion chromatic and temporal frequencies in normal and anomalous observers.- 16. M.L.F. de Mattiello and A. Gonella: Buenos Aires, Argentina A clinical evaluation of the lightness and contrast vision tests.- 17. S.J. Dain and A.J. Adams: Berkeley, CA, U.S.A. and New South Wales, Australia Evaluation of the Adams desaturated D-15 test with congenital color vision defects.- 18. H. Krastel, H. Gehrung, K. Dax and K. Rohrschneider: Heidelberg, West Germany Clinical application of the Heidelberg anomaloscope.- 19. M. Pelizzone, J. Sommerhalder, A. Roth and D. Hermès: Geneva, Switzerland Automated Rayleigh and Moreland matches on a computer-controlled anomaloscope.- 20. M. Marré, E. Marré and T. Eckardt: Dresden, East Germany Evaluation of the SPP-II test.- 21. J.A.M. van Everdingen, V.C. Smith and J. Pokorny: Chicago, IL, U.S.A. Sensitivity of tritan screening tests as evaluated in normals at reduced levels of illumination.- 22. V.C. Smith, J.A.M. van Everdingen and J. Pokorny; Chicago, IL, U.S.A. Sensitivity of arrangement tests as evaluated in normals at reduced levels of illumination.- 23. S.J. Dain, M.O. Scase and D.H. Foster: Keele, Staffordshire, U.K. An assessment of the 'mesopization' model of blue-yellow colour vision defects.- 24. P. Grützner, H. Krastel and C. Seybold: Darmstadt and Heidelberg, West Germany Validation of pseudo-isochromatic plates by chromatic acuity.- 25. K. Hamano, T. Motohashi, H. Kudo and Y. Ohta: Tokyo, Japan Study of congenital color defects using the D&H color rule.- 26. K. Kitahara, T. Okabe, K. Mihara and A. Kandatsu: Tokyo, Japan Theoretical patterns of the panel D-15 test in congenital red-green dichromats.- 27. T. Okabe, A. Kandatsu, J. Noji and K. Kitahara: Tokyo, Japan The use of the panel D-15 test in estimating the convergence point for deuteranopia.- 28. T. Steinschneider and O. Polotsky: Jerusalem, Israel Combined computer program for the Farnsworth D-15 and Roth 28-hue tests.- 29. M. Marré, E. Marré, P. Mierdel and T. Eckardt: Dresden, East Germany Computerized assessment of the FM 100-hue test in acquired color vision defects.- 30. O. Lagerlöf: Stockholm, Sweden The Farnsworth-Munsell 100-hue test in clinical practice.- 31. F. Zisman, K.R. Zisman and M.G. Harris: Berkeley and Hercules, CA, U.S.A. Utility and transmissions of therapeutically tinted contact lenses.- 32. G. de'Gennaro, A. Senese and M. Vitale: Napoli, Italy Orientation and selection of professions using computerized colour tests.- 33. J. Leid: Pau, France Clinical perspectives in colour.- Three. Normal Colour Vision.- 34. J. Birch, A. Young and S. David: London, U.K. Variations in normal trichromatism.- 35. RA. Humanski and S.K. Shevell; Chicago, IL, U.S.A. Factors contributing to differences in Rayleigh matches of normal trichromats.- 36. W. Verdon and G. Haegerstrom-Portnoy: Berkeley, CA. U.S.A. Chromatic properties of dichoptic Westheimer functions.- 37. M.L.F. de Mattiello and J. Perez Carpinell: Buenos Aires, Argentina and Valencia, Spain Retinal and cortical sensitivity to different chromatic stimuli.- 38. S.L. Buck, K. Bonnelle, P. Zohn and R. Knight: Seattle, WA, U.S.A. Size and sensitivity scaling of ?4 and ?5.- 39. T. Knottenberg and H. Scheibner: Düsseldorf, West Germany Approaching the Abney effect within linear opponent-color vision.- 40. H. Krastel, W. Jaeger, S. Zimmermann, B. Heckmann and M. Krystek: Heidelberg and Braunschweig, West Germany Systematics of human photopic spectral sensitivity.- 41. M.A. Crognale, G.H. Jacobs and J. Neitz: Santa Barbara, CA, U.S.A. Flicker photometric ERG measurements of short wavelength sensitive cones.- 42. J.D. Moreland, E. Torczynski and R. Tripathi: Bradford, U.K. and Chicago, IL, U.S.A. Rayleigh and Moreland matches in the ageing eye.- 43. A. Roth, M. Pelizzone, J. Sommerhalder, D. Hermès and F. Simona: Geneva, Switzerland The two equation method. III. Results in normal subjects above 50 years of age. Correlation with lens opacity.- 44. P. Gouras: New York, NY, U.S.A. Modeling chromatic contrast detectors in the primate visual system.- Four. Congenital Colour Vision Deficiencies.- 45. M. Müller, C.R. Cavonius and J.D. Mollon: Dortmund, West Germany and Cambridge, U.K. Constructing the color space of the deuteranomalous observer.- 46. T. Kremer and H. Scheibner: Düsseldorf, We…