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Superconductivity covers the nature of the phenomenon of superconductivity.
The book discusses the fundamental principles of superconductivity; the essential features of the superconducting state-the phenomena of zero resistance and perfect diamagnetism; and the properties of the various classes of superconductors, including the organics, the buckministerfullerenes, and the precursors to the cuprates.
The text also describes superconductivity from the viewpoint of thermodynamics and provides expressions for the free energy; the Ginzburg-Landau and BCS theories; and the structures of the high temperature superconductors. The band theory; type II superconductivity and magnetic properties; and the intermediate and mixed states are also considered. The book further tackles critical state models; various types of tunneling and the Josephson effect; and other transport properties. The text concludes by looking into spectroscopic properties.
Physicists and astronomers will find the book invaluable.
1 Properties of the Normal State
I. Introduction
II. Conduction Electron Transport
III. Chemical Potential and Screening
IV. Electrical Conductivity
V. Frequency Dependent Electrical Conductivity
VI. Electron-Phonon Interaction
VII. Resistivity
VIII. Thermal Conductivity
IX. Fermi Surface
X. Energy Gap and Effective Mass
XI. Electronic Specific Heat
XII. Phonon Specific Heat
XIII. Electromagnetic Fields
XIV. Boundary Conditions
XV. Magnetic Susceptibility
XVI. Hall Effect
Further Reading
2 The Phenomenon of Superconductivity
I. Introduction
II. A Brief History
III. Resistivity
A. Resistivity above Tc
B. Resistivity Anisotropy
C. Anisotropy Determination
D. Sheet Resistance of Films: Resistance Quantum
IV. Zero Resistance
A. Resistivity Drop at Tc
B. Persistent Currents below Tc
V. Transition Temperature
VI. Perfect Diamagnetism
VII. Fields inside a Superconductor
VIII. Shielding Current
IX. Hole in Superconductor
X. Perfect Conductivity
XI. Transport Current
XII. Critical Field and Current
XIII. Temperature Dependences
XIV. Concentration of Super Electrons
XV. Critical Magnetic Field Slope
XVI. Critical Surface
Further Reading
3 The Classical Superconductors
I. Introduction
II. Elements
III. Physical Properties of Superconducting Elements
IV. Compounds
V. Alloys
VI. Miedema's Empirical Rules for Alloys
VII. Compounds with the NaCl Structure
VIII. Type .415 Compounds
IX. Laves Phases
X. Chevrel Phases
XI. Heavy Electron Systems
XII. Charge-Transfer Organics
XIII. Chalcogenides and Oxides
XIV. Barium Lead-Bismuth Oxide Perovskite
XV. Barium-Potassium Bismuth-Oxide Cubic Perovskite
XVI. Buckminsterfullerenes
XVII. Borocarbides
Further Reading
4 Thermodynamic Properties
I. Introduction
II. Specific Heat above Tc
III. Discontinuity at Tc
IV. Specific Heat below Tc
V. Density of States and Debye Temperature
VI. Thermodynamic Variables
VII. Thermodynamics of a Normal Conductor
VIII. Thermodynamics of a Superconductor
IX. Superconductor in Zero Field
X. Superconductor in a Magnetic Field
XI. Normalized Thermodynamic Equations
XII. Specific Heat in a Magnetic Field
XIII. Evaluating the Specific Heat
XIV. Order of the Transition
XV. Thermodynamic Conventions
XVI. Concluding Remarks
Further Reading
5 Ginzburg-Landau Theory
I. Introduction
II. Order Parameter
III. Ginzburg-Landau Equations
IV. Zero-Field Case Deep inside Superconductor
V. Zero-Field Case near Superconductor Boundary
VI. Fluxoid Quantization
VII. Penetration Depth
VIII. Critical Current Density
IX. London Equations
X. Exponential Penetration
XI. Normalized Ginzburg-Landau Equations
XII. Type I and Type II Superconductivity
XIII. Upper Critical Field Bc2
XIV. Quantum Vortex
A. Differential Equations
B. Solutions for Small Distances
C. Solutions for Large Distances
Further Reading
6 BCS Theory
I. Introduction
II. Cooper Pairs
III. BCS Order Parameter
IV. Generalized BCS Theory
V. Singlet Pairing in a Homogeneous Superconductor
VI. Self-Consistent Equation for the Energy Gap
VII. Response of a Superconductor to a Magnetic Field
Further Reading
7 Perovskite and Cuprate Crystallographic Structures
I. Introduction
II. Perovskites
A. Cubic Form
B. Tetragonal Form
C. Orthorhombic Form
D. Planar Representation
III. Cubic Barium Potassium Bismuth Oxide
IV. Barium Lead Bismuth Oxide
V. Perovskite-Type Superconducting Structures
VI. Aligned YBa2Cu307
A. Copper Oxide Planes
B. Copper Coordination
C. Stacking Rules
D. Crystallographic Phases
E. Charge Distribution
F. YBaCuO Formula
G. YBa2Cu408 and Y2Ba4Cu7015
VII. Body Centering
VIII. Body-Centered La2Cu04 and Nd2Cu04
A. Unit Cell Generation of La2Cu04 (T Phase)
B. Layering Scheme
C. Charge Distribution
D. Superconducting Structures
E. Nd2Cu04 Compound (T' Phase)
F. La2_x_yRxSryCu04 Compounds (T* Phase)
IX. Body-Centered BiSrCaCuO and TIBaCaCuO
A. Layering Scheme
B. Nomenclature
C. Bi-Sr Compounds
D. Tl-Ba Compounds
E. Modulated Structures
F. Aligned Tl-Ba Compounds
G. Lead Doping
X. Aligned HgBaCaCuO
XI. Buckminsterfullerenes
XII. Symmetries
XIII. Crystal Chemistry
XIV. Comparison with Classical Superconductor Structures
XV. Conclusions
Further Reading
8 Hubbard Models and Band Structure
I. Introduction
II. Reciprocal Space and Brillouin Zone
III. Free Electron Bands in Two Dimensions
IV. Nearly Free Electron Bands
V. Fermi Surface in Two Dimensions
A. Fermi Surface
B. Closed Fermi Surface
C. Open Fermi Surface
VI. Electron Configurations
A. Electronic Configurations and Orbitals
B. Tight-Binding Approximation
VII. Hubbard Models
A. Wannier Functions and Electron Operators
B. One-State Model
C. Electron-Hole Symmetry
D. Half-Filling and Antiferromagnetic Correlations
E. t-J Model
F. Resonant-Valence Bonds
G. Spinons, Holons, Slave Bosons, Anyons, and Semions
H. Three-State Model
I. Energy Bands
J. Metal-Insulator Transition
VIII. Transition Metal Elements
IX. A-15 Compounds
X. Buckminsterfullerenes
XI. BaPb1_xBix03 System
XII. Ba1_xKxBi03 System
XIII. Band Structure of YBa2Cu307
A. Energy Bands and Density of States
B. Fermi Surface: Plane and Chain Bands
C. Charge Distribution
XIV. Band Structure of (La1_xSrx)2Cu04
A. Orbital States
B. Energy Bands and Density of States
C. Brillouin Zone
D. Fermi Surface
E. Orthorhombic Structure
XV. Bismuth and Thallium Compounds
XVI. Mercury Compounds
XVII. Fermi Liquids
XVIII. Fermi Surface Nesting
XIX. Charge-Density Waves, Spin-Density Waves, and Spin Bags
XX. Mott-Insulator Transition
XXI. Anderson Interlayer Tunneling Scheme
XXII. Comparison with Experiment
XXIII. Discussion
Further Reading
9 Type II Superconductivity
I. Introduction
II. Internal and Critical Fields
A. Magnetic Field Penetration
B. Ginzburg-Landau Parameter
C. Critical Fields
III. Vortices
A. Magnetic Fields
B. High-Kappa Approximation
C. Average Internal Field and Vortex Separation
D. Vortices near Lower Critical Field
E. Vortices…