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This book is designed to help learners of a new language accelerate their learning experience by fully immersing them into their chosen language. No longer does the reader have to stop reading, open a dictionary, look up a particular word and then understand which meaning of the word is the most appropriate in the context of the sentence in which it is contained. Instead, a complete translation in the reader's native language and the language they are learning is offered in short easy to digest blocks, one after the other. This provides the reader a very quick and complete reference for both languages which means they are able to digest more of the written word faster.
Repetition is the mother of learning! The more words that can be read and understood, the faster one learns a new language.
This book is divided into three sections. Section 1 provides two languages in small easy to digest blocks, one directly after the other. Much care and attention by the authors has gone into ensuring the translations are as close to each other as possible and much of the language from the original story has been modernised so that it is consistent with common day-to-day speech. Section 2 and Section 3 are each written in only one language.
The reader will benefit most from this book by starting to read through Section 1 first. This can be done at the reader's own pace and they can read as much or as little as they desire. Newer language learners are advised to read only a couple of paragraphs a day so as not to get fatigued, as this will detract from the learning experience. More experienced language learners may desire to read more of the book at one time.
As the reader's confidence in their language abilities increase, they may wish to read either Section 2 or Section 3 - the section that contains their target language for learning. If this is too difficult, the reader can return to Section 1 and reread until such time as they feel confident enough to attempt reading the story in a single language again.
Bu kitap, yeni dil ögrenenlere, seçtikleri dilde ögrenmeyi hizlandirmaya yardimci olmak amaçli tasarlanmistir. Bu sayede okuyucu artik okumaya ara verip sözlük açmak, hangi kelimenin içerige daha uygun oldugunu anlamak zorunda kalmayacak. Okuyucunun anadilinde ve ögrendikleri dilde çeviri, paragraflar halinde birbiri ardina sunulmustur. Bu da okuyucuya her iki dilde hizli ve tam bir referans saglayarak kelime ögrenimini kolaylastiracaktir.
Tekrarlama ögrenmenin temel tasidir! Daha fazla kelime okuyup anlamak, yeni dil ögrenimini hizlandirir.
Bu kitap üç bölüme ayrilmistir . Birinci bölümde masal her iki dilde birbiri ardina küçük paragraflar halinde sunulmaktadir. Yazarlar tarafindan çok özen gösterilip dikkatle okunmus ve masal mümkün oldugunca günlük konusma diliyle tutarli olacak sekilde modernize edilmistir. Ikinci ve üçüncü bölüm yalnizca bir dilde yazilmistir.
Okuyucunun kitabi birinci bölümden baslayarak okumasi daha faydali olacaktir. Bu kisimda okuyucu kendi arzusuna göre az yada çok okuyabilir . Yeni dil ögrenenere yorucu olmamasi için günde birkaç paragraf okumasi tavsiye edilir. Dil seviyesi ileri derecede olanlar daha fazla okumak isteyebilirler .
Okuyucunun ögrendigi dil üzerinde kendine olan güveni arttikça, ikinci yahut üçüncü bölümü okumak isteyebilirler. Bu bölümlerde sadece hedeflenen diller yer almaktadir. Okuyucu zorlandigi taktirde kendiden emin olana kadar birinci bölümü tekrar tekrar okuyabilir ve ikinci veya üçüncü bölümleri daha okumayi deneyebilir.