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Biochemical Aspects of Plant-Parasite Relationships is a collection of papers from the Phytochemical Society Symposium of the same subject held at Hull in April 1975. This collection discusses biochemical research on the mechanisms involved in the invasion of plants by pathogens, the production of disease symptoms, and the mechanisms occurring in plant resistance against the invading microorganisms. Some papers discuss the genetics of fungal-plant interactions and the structural features of both infection and resistance processes, Such genetic interactions and structural features point to a biochemical reason for the plant-parasite interaction. Several attempts to correlate production of a cell wall degrading enzyme in vitro by a pathogen's virulence have shown great differences between in vitro and in vivo environments. One paper cites as an example the pathogens which produce both pectic hydrolases and lyases: the type of enzyme that is found to predominate often is actually associated with the pH of the environment. One paper also investigates nucleic acid transfer and the possible role of RNA in the host-parasite specificity. This collection can prove beneficial for microbiologists, biochemists, biotechnologists, plant biologists, and academicians connected with the biological sciences.
Chapter 1 Some Observations on Leaf Surfaces During the Early Stages of Infection by Fungi
I. Introduction
II. The Pre-Penetration Stages of Infection of Leaves
III. The Arrival of Spores on Leaves
IV. Adhesion of Spores on Leaves
V. External Growth Prior to Penetration
VI. Rain-Water Washing Leaf Surfaces
VII. Pollen on Leaves and Infection
Chapter 2 Some Interactions in Soil Between Plants, Sclerotium-Forming Fungi and Other Microorganisms
I. Introduction
II. The Nature of Fungal Sclerotia
III. Host-Stimulated Germination of Sclerotia
IV. The Effect of Fungal Sclerotia on the Soil Microflora
Chapter 3 Development and Use of Some Genetically Controlled Lines for Studies of Host-Parasite Interactions
I. Introduction
II. Host Lines
A. Nearly-Isogenic Lines
B. Chromosome Substitution Lines
C. Genetically Diverse Host Lines
III. Pathogen Lines
IV. Conclusions
Chapter 4 Structural Aspects of Infection by Biotrophic Fungi
I. Introduction
II. The Infection of Lettuce by Bremia Lactucae
A. Pre-Penetration
B. Penetration
C. Intracellular Infection Structures
III. Discussion
A. Alteration of the Metabolism of the Host
B. Molecular Exchange
C. Incompatibility
Chapter 5 Plant Cell Wall Hydrolysis by Pathogens
I. Introduction
II. The Plant Cell Wall: A Current Concept
III. Enzymes that Cleave Cell Wall Polysaccharides
A. Pectic Enzymes
B. Hemicellulases and Cellulases
IV. Regulation of Production of Polysaccharidases by Pathogens
V. Enzymatic Degradation of Cell Walls
A. Decomposition of Isolated Walls
B. Decomposition of Host Cell Walls in Infected Tissues
VI. Enzymatic Basis of Tissue Maceration and its Consequences
VII. Conclusions
Chapter 6 Killing of Protoplasts
I. Introduction
II. Relation Between Cell Separation and Protoplast Death
III. Action of Pectic Enzymes on Parenchyma
IV. Effect of Other Enzymes on Parenchyma
V. Effects of Plasmolysis
VI. Effects of Enzymes Other than Pectic Enzymes
VII. Killing of Protoplasts other than by Pectic Enzymes
VIII. Other Causes of Death of Protoplasts
IX. Consequences of Protoplast Death
Chapter 7 Hormonal Involvement in Metabolism of Host-Parasite Interactions
I. Introduction
II. Hormones and Pathogenesis
III. Hormonal Changes in Diseases Caused by Biotrophic Organisms
A. Respiration and Host Growth
. IAA Decarboxylation and Disease Resistance
C. Peroxidase Changes
D. Properties of Isozyme 9
E. Cytokinins and Translocation
F. Other Hormones
IV. Present Outlook
Chapter 8 Toxins of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria and Fungi
I. Introduction
II. Helminthosporoside
III. Some Other Host-Specific Toxins
A. H. Victoriae and P. Circinata Toxins
B. A. Kikuchiana Toxin
C. H. Carbonum Toxin
D. H. Maydis Toxins
E. P. Maydis Toxin
F. Alternariolide
IV. Stemphylin
V. Toxic Glycopeptides and Polysaccharides
VI. Fusicoccin
VII. Some Amino Acid Derived Bacterial Toxins
A. Tabtoxins
B. Phaseotoxins
C. Rhizobitoxine
D. Syringomycin
VIII. Non Host-Specific Alternaria Toxins
IX. Concluding Comments
Chapter 9 Structural Features of Resistance to Plant Diseases
I. Introduction
II. Inoculum Deposition
III. Entry of the Pathogen
A. Direct Entry
B. Entry through Natural Openings
IV. Colonization and Sporulation
V. Conclusions
Chapter 10 Pre-Existing Antimicrobiol Substances in Plants and their Role in Disease Resistance
I. Introduction
II. Tulipalin and Tuliposid
III. Wyerone
IV. Phenolic Compounds
A. Pyrocatechol and Protocatechuic Acid
B. Phloridzin and Phloretin
V. Antifungal Compounds in Wood
VI. Antifungal Compounds in Gramineae
VII. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 11 Current Perspectives in Research on Phytoalexins
I. Definitions and General Problems
II. Phytoalexins in the Higher Plants
A. Characterized Compounds
B. De Novo Synthesis or Release from Precursors
C. Restriction to Some Plant Families
III. Roles of Phytoalexins in Hypersensitivity and Lesion Limitation
IV. The Induction of Phytoalexin Formation
Chapter 12 Terpenoid Phytoalexins
I. Introduction
II. Terpenoids Produced in Infected Potato
III. Relationship of Terpenoid Metabolism to Disease Resistance
IV. Nature of the Initiator of Rishitin Biosynthesis
V. Stability of Terpenoids Produced in Infected Potato Slices
VI. Conclusion
Chapter 13 Isoflavonoid Phytoalexins
I. Introduction
II. Types and Sources of Isoflavonoid Phytoalexins
III. Biosynthesis of Isoflavonoids
. Formation of the C1 5 Skeleton
. The Point of Divergence Between Flavonoid and Isoflavonoid Biosynthesis
C. Biosynthetic Relationships Among Isoflavonoids
D. Hydroxylation, Methylation, and Prenylation of Isoflavonoids
E. Turnover of Isoflavonoids in Higher Plants
IV. Induction
A. Inducers
B. Localization of Phytoalexin Accumulation
C. Mechanism of Induction
V. Biological Action Spectrum
A. Activity Against Fungi
B. Activity Against Other Organisms
VI. Cytological and Physiological Effects on Fungi
VII. Structural Requirements for Antifungal Activity
VIII. Fungal Metabolism of the Isoflavonoid Phytoalexins
A. Identity of Fungal Metabolites of Phytoalexins
B. Enzymology
C. Metabolism and Tolerance
D. Fungal Metabolism of the Isoflavonoid Phytoalexins In Situ
IX. Isoflavonoid Phytoalexins and Pathogenesis
A. Differential Synthesis
B. Differential Sensitivity
C. Additional Considerations
X. Conclusions
Chapter 14 Lignification in Infected Tissue
I. Introduction
II. Lignification in the Solanaceae in Response to Fungal Infection
A. The Response of Potato Tu…