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Avian Biology, Volume II is a collection of papers that deals with the biology of birds such as their integumentary and respiratory systems. One paper describes the integument of birds that includes the skin, feathers, pterylosis, skin muscles, and other integumentary derivatives such as beaks, comb, claws, and spurs. The book explains the process of molting and the different generations of feathers; such molting is dependent on the wear and tear of the plumage, as well as hormonal changes. One author compares the blood vascular system of birds and mammals, and then gives a detailed description of avian hematology. Other papers deal with the respiratory functions, digestive system, and the nutritional needs of birds. Of interest is one author's description of the production of nutritive fluids, holocrine, which is secreted for the young. This secreted fluid contains about 23 percent protein, 10 percent fat, and no sugar. Unlike mammalian milk, it also contains cells. Another paper examines the intermediary metabolism of birds and the climatic effects on metabolism. This book is suitable for bird enthusiasts, zoologists, and avian biologists.
List of Contributors
Note on Taxonomy
Contents of Other Volumes
Chapter I. The Integument of Birds
I. Skin
II. Feathers
III. Pterylosis
IV. Muscles of the Skin
V. Integumentary Derivatives Other Than Feathers
Chapter 2. Patterns of Molting
I. Introduction
II. Definitions
III. Homology
IV. Social Factors
V. Describing Molts and Feather Generations
VI. Concluding Remarks
Chapter 3. Mechanisms and Control of Molt
I. Introduction
II. Mechanisms of the Pattern of Molt
III. Molting and Breeding Schedules
IV. Hormonal Control of Feather Loss and Replacement
V. Direct Effects of the Environment on Molt
VI. Energetics and Molt
VII. Summary
Chapter 4. The Blood Vascular System of Birds
I. Introduction
II. Avian Hematology
III. Morphology of the Blood Vascular System
IV. The Electrophysiology of the Heart
V. General Hemodynamics
VI. Regulation of the Cardiovascular System
VII. Cardiovascular Adjustments to (Habitual) Diving and Alterations in Ambient Gas Composition
VIII. Cardiovascular Performances During Flight
IX. The Cardiovascular System and Gas Exchange
X. The Role of the Cardiovascular System in Excretion and Osmoregulation
XI. The Role of Peripheral Circulation in Temperature Regulation
Chapter 5. Respiratory Function in Birds
I. Introduction
II. Anatomy
III. Respiration of Resting Birds
IV. Respiration of Heat-Stressed Birds
V. Respiration of Flying Birds
VI. Respiration During Specialized Activities
Chapter 6. Digestion and the Digestive System
I. Introduction
II. The Buccal Cavity, Buccal Glands, and Pharynx
III. The Esophagus and Crop
IV. The Gastric Apparatus
V. The Intestine
VI. The Liver
VII. The Pancreas
Chapter 7. The Nutrition of Birds
I. Introduction
II. Requirements Represented by Nutrient Expenditures
III. Requirements Represented by Syntheses and Storages of Nutrients
IV. The Net Nutritive Value of Feeds
V. Production of Nutritive Fluids for the Young
Chapter 8. The Intermediary Metabolism of Birds
I. General Considerations
II. Tissue Metabolism
III. Influence of Diet
IV. Endocrine Control of Metabolism
V. Influence of Reproductive (Laying) Cycle
VI. Climatic Effects on Metabolism
VII. Influence of Migration on Metabolism
VIII. General Summary and Conclusions
Chapter 9. Osmoregulation and Excretion in Birds
I. Introduction
II. The Avian Kidney
III. Postrenal Modification of the Urine -Role of the Cloaca and Intestine
IV. The Avian Salt Gland
Author Index
Index to Bird Names
Subject Index