This book represents new structural-chemical minerals of A.A. Godovikov which reflects the latest data on communication of the chemical composition with structure and properties of minerals, conditions of their formation, their paragenesis. The following features lay its basis: a) the numerous, often not considered earlier chemical signs on which chemical properties of minerals, conditions of their formation or paragenesis may depend; b) the determined consistent patterns of communication between chemical compounds structure and fundamental properties of the elements forming them; c) regularities of structure change and properties of minerals depending on physical and chemical parameters of formation or environment systems. This systemati considers real associations, differences in physical and chemical parameters at which minerals are forming and existing. In this systematic sometimes the preference is given to the last signs because all natural associations aren't casual in an arrangement of minerals, so they formed as a result of difficult and longtime selection. The properties of minerals are coordinated with their structure, formation conditions. The transition conditions from one taxon to another both at one level and at its deepenings are accurately formulated. The primary type of a chemical bond was accepted as leading sign of five highest taxons. The lowest taxons were allocated on: a) the mineral belongings to izodesmichesky or anizodesmichesky connections; b) the type of anion, cation; c) the coordination number of an anionoobrazovatel; d) the size of CX; e) the type of the structure. The signs which are in the basis for systematization give the chance to find the place for new mineral types in the tables, to change the place of mineral in connection with specification of its formula or structure. They also allow to distinguish new taxons for the new mineral types representing chemical compounds, earlier not known in nature. Thus this systematic is not a stiffened representation but the developing system.
Alexander AleksandrovichGodovikov (10.04.1927. 03.07.1995).Soviet and Russian mineralogist, doctor of geol.-min. sciences, professor, the outstanding scientist in the field of theoretical, genetic, descriptive and experimental mineralogy, growth of crystals, development of studying techniques of natural and synthetic products. His scientific interests were connected with study of oredeposits, mineral balances in dry halkogenideand hydrothermal silicate systems for the establishment of stability areas,solubilities of minerals,forms of transfer ore-forming elements, synthesis of new connections at usual conditions and also at high and ultrahigh pressures and temperatures. Being based on modern knowledge of an atom structure developed ideasof chemical bond types in mineralsentered a concept of power characteristics. They formed the basis ofcommunicationsestablishment between a structure of atoms and a formationpossibility of different chemical compounds including minerals. As a result of all these investigationshe offered new structural and chemical systematization of minerals.A.A. Godovikov is the author of 276 scientific publications including 19 monographs and 17 copyright certificates. The main tasks of A.A. Godovikov are: 1) A.A. Godovikov. Mineralogy. 1973. Moscow. Nedra. 519 p.; 2) A.A. Godovikov. Chemical bases of systematization of minerals." M.: Nedra, 1979, 300 p.(in the Russian); 3) A.A. Godovikov. Mineralogy. 1983, Moscow. Nedra. 647 p (in the Russian);4) A.A. Godovikov. Structural and chemical systematization of minerals. 1997. Moscow. 247 p. (in the Russian and English). 4) A.A. Godovikov, S.N. Nenasheva. Structural and chemical systematization of minerals. 2007. Moscow. Ekostassociation. 296 pages (intheRussianandEnglishlanguages).
A.A. Godovikov taught the following programs: "Mineralogy", "Introduction to mineralogy", "Crystal chemistry", "Genetic mineralogy"at the geologic-geophysical faculty of Novosibirsk State Universityfrom 1963 to 1983. A.A. Godovikov owned a collection of minerals (about 4500 samples) which he donated to the FersmanMineralogical Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He was the director of this museum in Moscow from 1983 to 1995.
Svetlana NikolaevnaNenasheva 1940 of year of birth. russian mineralogist, phD in geol.-min. sciences, the expert in experimental mineralogy (studied phase charts in dry sulphidic and halkogenide systems for clarification of mineral balances, fields of stability of minerals, parameters of synthesis of minerals and new possibleconnections in usual conditions). Her scientific interests were connected also with mineralogy investigations of ore deposits and systematization of minerals. S.N. Nenashevais the author of 178 scientific publications, including following 3 monographs: 1) S.N. Nenasheva. Experimental study of the nature of impurity of silver, antimony and bismuth in a galenite. 1975. Novosibirsk. Nauka.123 p. (in Russian); 2) Minerals of Mongolia. 2006. Moscow. Ekost association. 350 p. (in Russian); A.A. Godovikov, S.N. Nenasheva. Structural and chemical systematization of minerals. 2007. Moscow. Ekost association. 296 p. (in the Russian and English languages).
Division of elementary substances on metals, semi-metals and nonmetals
Basic types of chemical substances, selected by primary type of chemical bond
Simple compounds, binary and more complex compounds, salts.
Geochemical classification of elements and cations
Highest taxons of structural-chemical systematic of minerals, preceding classes
Classes and their sequence
The sequence of highest taxons in developed structural-chemical systematic of minerals
Table #1.General enumeration of the taxons of structural-chemical classification of minerals
Chemical-structural systematic of minerals
1.Type: Minerals with principal metallic and metallic-covalent bond native metals and semimetals, metallides and sevimetallides
1.1. Subtype: Metals and metallides
1.1.1. Class: Metal s and metallides of sidero- and chalcophyllic elements
1.2. Class: Metalls and metallides of lithophyllic elements
1.2. Subtype: Semimetals and semimetallides (ohly of sidero- and chalcophyllic cations)
1.2.1.Quassubtype*: Semimetals and semimetallides of Va-elements
1.2.1. Class: Native Va-semimetalls
1.2.1b. Class: Va-Semimetals arsenides, antimonides,bismuthides
1.2.2. Quasisubtype*: Semimetals and semimetallidess of Va-semimetals
1.2.2. Class: Native VIa-semimetals
1.2.2b. Class: VIa-semimetalls-tellurides
2a. Quasitype*: Native VIa-nonmetals (van der Waals forses).
2b. Quasitype*: Chalcogenic compounds (metallic-covalent and ionic-covalent bond , rar e van der Waals forses) simple (isodesmical) ® complex ® chalcosalts (anisodesmical)
2b.1. Subtype: Chalcogenic compounds of sidero- and chalcophyllic cations
2b.1s- and ps*-cations
3.1.2.Class: Oxides and hydroxides of 4-valence f-cations
3.1a.3.Class: Oxides and hydroxides of f-cations with middle FC 6-valence f-cations (U6+) ® compound uranyl (UO2)2+ uranil asids, uranates and their derivates (uranium micas and related minerals)
3.1b. Quasisubtype*: Oxides and hydroxides of lithophyllic cations with middle FC
3.1b.1. Overclass*: Oxides of Zr
3.1b.1. Class: Simple oxides of Zr
3.1b.1b. Class: Complex oxides of Zr4+ ® titanates of Zr4+ ® zirconoti tanates
3.1b.2. O...