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Volume XII of the Transactions on Rough Sets (TRS) includes articles that are part of a special issue on Rough Set Structuring of Knowledge. These articles are extended versions of papers accepted for presentation at the Rough Set and Knowledge Technology Conference (RSKT 2008) organized in Chengdu, China, in May 2008. In fact, this conference did not take place because of the earthquake that dramatically hit the Chengdu province just before the event. The editors selected some papers accepted for RSKT 2008 and invited their authors to submit extended versions to this issue. The 11 submissions received after this invitation were sent to reviewers and, ?nally, 8 papers were accepted for publication in the special issue. The editors of the special issue are particularly grateful to all the authors of submitted papers, and to the editors of Transactions on Rough Sets,JamesF. Peters and Andrzej Skowron, who provided friendly and valuable assistance in the reviewing process. Special thanks are due to the following reviewers: Mohua Banerjee, Anna Gomolinsk a, Ryszard Janicki, Julia Johnson, Maneesh Joshi, Jusheng Mi, Sonajharia Minz, Sushmita Mitra, Tuan Trung Nguyen, Georg Pe- ters, Andrzej Skowron, Genlou Sun, Marcin Szczuka, Dominik Sl ezak, Guoyin Wang, Hai Wang, Marcin Wolski, Haiyi Zhang, Yan Zhao, William Zhu. Their laudable e?orts made possible a careful selection and revision of submitted manuscripts.
The twelfth title in the LNCS series Transactions on Rough Sets Includes extended versions of papers accepted for presentation at the Rough Set and Knowledge Technology Conference (RSKT) 2008, which are part of a special issue on rough set structuring of knowledge With 8 selected and reviewed submission papers and 5 papers introducing advances in rough set theory
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The LNCS journal Transactions on Rough Sets is devoted to the entire spectrum of rough sets related issues, from logical and mathematical foundations, through all aspects of rough set theory and its applications, such as data mining, knowledge discovery, and intelligent information processing, to relations between rough sets and other approaches to uncertainty, vagueness, and incompleteness, such as fuzzy sets and theory of evidence. This volume contains 8 revised selected papers from 11 submissions to the Rough Set and Knowledge Technology Conference (RSKT 2008), together with 5 papers introducing advances in rough set theory and its applications. The topics covered are: perceptually near Pawlak partitions, hypertext classification, topological space versus rough set theory in terms of lattice theory, feature extraction in interval-valued information systems, jumping emerging patterns (JEP), and rough set theory.
This volume contains revised papers from the Rough Set and Knowledge Technology Conference (RSKT 2008), together with five papers introducing advances in rough set theory and its applications. It is part of the LNCS Transactions on Rough Sets series.
Granular Rough Mereological Logics with Applications to Dependencies in Information and Decision Systems.- On Topological Dominance-based Rough Set Approach.- A Study of Multiple-Source Approximation Systems.- A New Knowledge Reduction Algorithm Based on Decision Power in Rough Set.- Comparison of Some Classification Algorithms Based on Deterministic and Nondeterministic Decision Rules.- Gene Selection and Cancer Classification: A Rough Sets Based Approach.- Evolutionary-Rough Feature Selection for Face Recognition.- Spatial Reasoning Based on Rough Mereology: A Notion of a Robot Formation and Path Planning Problem for Formations of Mobile Autonomous Robots.- Perceptually Near Pawlak Partitions.- A Novel Split and Merge Technique for Hypertext Classification.- A Non-boolean Lattice Derived by Double Indiscernibility.- Rough Set Approximations in Formal Concept Analysis.- On the Relation between Jumping Emerging Patterns and Rough Set Theory with Application to Data Classification.