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I3E 2009 was held in Nancy, France, during September 2325, hosted by Nancy University and INRIA Grand-Est at LORIA. The conference provided scientists andpractitionersofacademia,industryandgovernmentwithaforumwherethey presented their latest ?ndings concerning application of e-business, e-services and e-society, and the underlying technology to support these applications. The 9th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, sponsored by IFIP WG 6.1. of Technical Committees TC6 in cooperation with TC11, and TC8 represents the continuation of previous events held in Zurich (Switzerland) in 2001, Lisbon (Portugal) in 2002, Sao Paulo (Brazil) in 2003, Toulouse (France) in 2004, Poznan (Poland) in 2005, Turku (Finland) in 2006, Wuhan (China) in 2007 and Tokyo (Japan) in 2008. The call for papers attracted papers from 31 countries from the ?ve con- nents. As a result, the I3E 2009 programo?ered 12 sessions of full-paper pres- tations. The 31 selected papers cover a wide and important variety of issues in e-Business,e-servicesande-society,including security,trust,andprivacy,ethical and societal issues, business organization, provision of services as software and software as services, and others. Extended versions of selected papers submitted to I3E 2009 will be published in the International Journal of e-Adoption and in AIS Transactions on Enterprise Systems. In addition, a 500-euros prize was awarded to the authors of the best paper selected by the Program Comm- tee. We thank all authors who submitted their papers, the Program Committee members and external reviewers for their excellent work.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Gronau, geb. 1964, studierte Maschinenbau und Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der TU Berlin, wo er im Fachbereich Informatik promovierte und sich anschließend für das Lehrgebiet Wirtschaftsinformatik habilitierte. Seit 2004 ist er Inhaber des ca. 40 Mitarbeiter umfassenden Lehrstuhls Wirtschaftsinformatik und Electronic Government an der Universität Potsdam mit den Forschungsschwerpunkten betriebliches Wissensmanagement, wandlungsfähige ERP-Systeme und Verwaltungsmodernisierung. Er ist wissenschaftlicher Leiter des am Potsdamer Lehrstuhl angesiedelten Center for Enterprise Research (CER), Lehrbeauftragter an verschiedenen nationalen und internationalen Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen, Herausgeber einiger wissenschaftlicher Fachzeitschriften, insbesondere ERP-Management und Autor zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Veröffentlichungen und Bücher.
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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th IFIP WG 6.1 Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, held in Nancy, France, in September 2009.
The 31 revised papers were selected from numerous submissions. They cover a wide and important variety of issues in e-business, e-services and e-society, including security, trust, and privacy, ethical and societal issues, business organization, provision of services as software and software as services. The papers are organized in topical sections on e-government, security, e-commerce, modelling, user interactions and simulation.
Session 1: e-Government 1.- Electronic Voting Using Identity Domain Separation and Hardware Security Modules.- Electronic Voting by Means of Digital Terrestrial Television: The Infrastructure, Security Issues and a Real Test-Bed.- Session 2: Security 1.- Towards User Acceptance of Biometric Technology in E-Government: A Survey Study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.- Biovault: Biometrically Based Encryption.- Session 3: e-Commerce 1.- Value Encounters Modeling and Analyzing Co-creation of Value.- A Model for Value-Added E-Marketplace Provisioning: Case Study from Networked Virtual Organizations: A Chance for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises on Global Markets.- Session 4: Modelling 1.- A Rule-Based Approach of Creating and Executing Mashups.- Implementing a Rule-Based Contract Compliance Checker.- Modeling Medical Ethics through Intelligent Agents.- Session 5: e-Government 2.- Requirements for Electronic Delivery Systems in eGovernment An Austrian Experience.- Facilitating Business to Government Interaction Using a Citizen-Centric Web 2.0 Model.- Empowerment through Electronic Mandates Best Practice Austria.- Session 6: Security 2.- Not All Adware Is Badware: Towards Privacy-Aware Advertising.- The Step Method Battling Identity Theft Using E-Retailers' Websites.- Proposal and Implementation of SSH Client System Using Ajax.- Session 7: e-Commerce 2.- Smart Order Routing Technology in the New European Equity Trading Landscape.- Algorithmic Trading Engines and Liquidity Contribution: The Blurring of Traditional Definitions.- Anonymous, Yet Trustworthy Auctions.- Session 8: Modelling 2.- Realizing Mobile Web Services for Dynamic Applications.- Modifying the Balanced Scorecard for a Network Industry The Case of the Clearing Industry.-Dynamic Component Selection for SCA Applications.- Session 9: User Interactions.- How to Research People's First Impressions of Websites? Eye-Tracking as a Usability Inspection Method and Online Focus Group Research.- Transforming Collaborative Process Models into Interface Process Models by Applying an MDA Approach.- The Persuasiveness of Web-Based Alcohol Interventions.- Session 10: Simulation.- Analysis of Macro-micro Simulation Models for Service-Oriented Public Platform: Coordination of Networked Services and Measurement of Public Values.- Enterprise Networks for Competences Exchange: A Simulation Model.- Analyzing Strategic Business Rules through Simulation Modeling.- Session 11: Security 3.- Towards E-Society Policy Interoperability.- Integrating the European Securities Settlement.- Task Delegation Based Access Control Models for Workflow Systems.- Session 12: Modelling 3.- Data Refining for Text Mining Process in Aviation Safety Data.- A 360° Vision for Virtual Organizations Characterization and Modelling: Two Intentional Level Aspects.