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Since the seminal work of P. Anderson in 1958, localization in disordered systems has been the object of intense investigations. Mathematically speaking, the phenomenon can be described as follows: the self-adjoint operators which are used as Hamiltonians for these systems have a ten dency to have pure point spectrum, especially in low dimension or for large disorder. A lot of effort has been devoted to the mathematical study of the random self-adjoint operators relevant to the theory of localization for disordered systems. It is fair to say that progress has been made and that the un derstanding of the phenomenon has improved. This does not mean that the subject is closed. Indeed, the number of important problems actually solved is not larger than the number of those remaining. Let us mention some of the latter: • A proof of localization at all energies is still missing for two dimen sional systems, though it should be within reachable range. In the case of the two dimensional lattice, this problem has been approached by the investigation of a finite discrete band, but the limiting pro cedure necessary to reach the full two-dimensional lattice has never been controlled. • The smoothness properties of the density of states seem to escape all attempts in dimension larger than one. This problem is particularly serious in the continuous case where one does not even know if it is continuous.
I Spectral Theory of Self-Adjoint Operators.- 1 Domains, Adjoints, Resolvents and Spectra.- 2 Resolutions of the Identity.- 3 Representation Theorems.- 4 The Spectral Theorem.- 5 Quadratic Forms and Self-adjoint Operators.- 6 Self-adjoint Extensions of Symmetric Operators.- 7 Problems.- 8 Notes and Complements.- II Schrödinger Operators.- 1 The Free Hamiltonians.- 2 Schrödinger Operators as Perturbations.- 3 Path Integral Formulas.- 4 Eigenfunctions.- 5 Problems.- 6 Notes and Complements.- III One-Dimensional Schrödinger Operators.- 1 The Continuous Case.- 2 The Lattice Case.- 3 Approximations of the Spectral Measures.- 4 Spectral Types.- 5 Quasi-one Dimensional Schrödinger Operators.- 6 Problems.- 7 Notes and Complements.- IV Products of Random Matrices.- 1 General Ergodic Theorems.- 2 Matrix Valued Systems.- 3 Group Action on Compact Spaces.- 4 Products of Independent Random Matrices.- 5 Markovian Multiplicative Systems.- 6 Boundaries of the Symplectic Group.- 7 Problems.- 8 Notes and Comments.- V Ergodic Families of Self-Adjoint Operators.- 1 Measurability Concepts.- 2 Spectra of Ergodic Families.- 3 The Case of Random Schrödinger Operators.- 4 Regularity Properties of the Lyapunov Exponents.- 5 Problems.- 6 Notes and Complements.- VI The Integrated Density of States.- 1 Existence Problems.- 2 Asymptotic Behavior and Lifschitz Tails.- 3 More on the Lattice Case.- 4 The One Dimensional Cases.- 5 Problems.- 6 Notes and Complements.- VII Absolutely Continuous Spectrum and Inverse Theory.- 1 The w-function.- 2 Periodic and Almost Periodic Potentials.- 3 The Absolutely Continuous Spectrum.- 4 Inverse Spectral Theory.- 5 Miscellaneous.- 6 Problems.- 7 Notes and Complements.- VIII Localization in One Dimension.- 1 Pointwise Theory.- 2 Perturbation Theory.- 3 OperatorTheory.- 4 Localization for Singular Potentials.- 5 Non-Stationary Processes.- 6 Problems.- 7 Notes and Complements.- IX Localization in Any Dimension.- 1 Exponential Decay of the Green's Function at Fixed Energy.- 2 Localization for A.C. Potentials.- 3 A Direct Proof of Localization.- 4 Problems.- 5 Notes and Complements.- Notation Index.