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To assess the social processes of globalization that are changing the way in which we co-inhabit the world today, this book invites the reader to essay the diversity of worldviews, with the diversity of ways to sustainably co-inhabit the planet. With a biocultural perspective that highlights planetary ecological and cultural heterogeneity, this book examines three interrelated themes: (1) biocultural homogenization, a global, but little perceived, driver of biological and cultural diversity loss that frequently entail social and environmental injustices; (2) biocultural ethics that considers ontologically and axiologically the complex interrelationships between habits, habitats, and co-inhabitants that shape their identity and well-being; (3) biocultural conservation that seeks social and ecological well-being through the conservation of biological and cultural diversity and their interrelationships.
Leading researchers in the field analyze specific regional and global drivers of biocultural homogenization Presents cases of integration of different forms of biological and cultural knowledge into sustainable development and biocultural conservation Provides a theoretical and practical framework to address biocultural homogenization in the context of global environmental changes
FOREWARD.- 1. From Biocultural Homogenization to Biocultural Conservation: A Conceptual Framework to Reorient Society Toward Sustainability of Life.- 2. Biocultural Homogenization: a wicked problem in the Anthropocene .- 3. Re-Claiming Rivers from Homogenization: Meandering and Riverspheres.- 4. Biostitutes and Biocultural Conservation: Empire and Irony in the Motion Picture Avatar.- 5. The Political Ecology of Land Grabs in Ethiopia .- 6. The Ongoing Danger of Largescale Mining on the Rio Doce: an Account of Brazil's Largest Biocultural Disaster.- 7. Land Grabbing and Violence against Environmentalists.- 8. The Changing Role of Europe in Past and Future Alien Species Displacement.- 9. Dürer's Rhinoceros: Biocultural Homogenization of the Visual Construction of Nature.- 10. Biocultural Exoticism in the Feminine Landscape of Latin America.- 11. Biocultural Homogenization in Modern Philosophy: David Hume's noble Oyster.- 12. Nature, Culture, and Natureculture: The Role of Nonnative Species in Biocultures.- 13. Why Some Exotic Species are Deeply Integrated into Local Cultures While Others are Reviled.- 14. Fur Trade and the Biotic Homogenization of Sub-polar Ecosystems.- 15. Non-native Pines are Homogenizing the Ecosystems of South America.- 16. Biotic Homogenization of the South American Cerrado.- 17. Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Homogenization across US National Parks - The Role of Non-Native Species.- 8. Homogenization of Fish Assemblages off the Coast of Florida.- 9. Biocultural Conservation and Biocultural Ethics.- 20. The U.N. Sustainable Development Goals and the Biocultural Heritage Lacuna: Where is Goal Number 18?.- 21. Suma qamaña or Living Well Together: A Contribution to Biocultural Conservation.- 22. Biocultural Approaches to Conservation: Water Sovereignty in the Kayapó Lands.- 23. Biocultural Diversity and Ngöbe People in the South Pacific of Costa Rica.- 24. Candomblé in Brazil: The Contribution of African-origin Religions to Biocultural Diversity in the Americas.- 25. Latin American Theology of Liberation and Biocultural Conservation.- 26. The Dynamics of Biocultural Approaches to Conservation in Inner Mongolia, China.- 27. Challenging Biocultural Homogenization: Experiences of the Chipko and Appiko Movements in India.- 28. Revitalizing Local Commons: A Democratic Approach to Collective Management.- 29. The Garden as a Representation of Nature: A Space to Overcome Biocultural Homogenization?