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In the present volume - the sixth of this series - 48 flowering plant families comprising a total of 712 genera are treated. They represent the newly designed eurosid orders Celastrales, Oxalidales and Rosales and the asterid orders Cornales and Ericales. The recognition of these ordinal concepts is the result of numerous recent gene sequence analyses which, for the first time in angiosperm systematics, have provided a reliable higher order classification. The concept of Ericales is largely expanded beyond its conventional limits to make it monophyletic and now includes parts of the erstwhile Ebenales, Lecythidales, Primulales and other orders. The revised circumscription of families such as Ericaceae, Celastraceae and Cunoniaceae owes much to the application of recent molecular studies, and for the same reason in the primulalean families, a complete remodeling of family limits is proposed.
The volumes of the series provide a complete and up-to-date inventory of all families and genera of vascular plants Includes supplementary material:
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Compiled and written for advanced students, this encyclopedia contains a comprehensive treatment of the taxonomy of the families and genera of ferns and seed plants. The present volume, the sixth in this series, deals with five groups of dicotyledons, the Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, and Ericales, comprising 48 families.
Introduction to Families Treated in This Volume.- General References.- Actinidiaceae.- Balsaminaceae.- Brunelliaceaem.- Celastraceae.- Cephalotaceae.- Clethraceae.- Connaraceae.- Cornaceae.- Cunoniaceae.- Curtisiaceae.- Cyrillaceae.- Diapensiaceae.- Dirachmaceae.- Ebenaceae.- Elaeagnaceae.- Elaeocarpaceae.- Ericaceae.- Fouquieriaceae.- Grubbiaceae.- Hydrangeaceae.- Hydrostachyaceae.- Lecythidaceae.- Lepidobotryaceae.- Lissocarpaceae.- Loasaceae.- Maesaceae.- Marcgraviaceae.- Myrsinaceae.- Napoleonaeaceae.- Oxalidaceae.- Parnassiaceae.- Pellicieraceae.- Polemoniaceae.- Primulaceae.- Rhamnaceae.- Roridulaceae.- Rosaceae.- Samolaceae.- Sapotaceae.- Sarraceniaceae.- Scytopetalaceae.- Sladeniaceae.- Styracaceae.- Symplocaceae.- Ternstroemiaceae.- Tetrameristaceae.- Theaceae.- Theophrastaceae.- Index of Scientific Names.
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