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Most endocrine diseases can be treated successfully, and the patient's state of well-being can usually be improved. Not surprisingly, the earlier the diagnosis is made the more positive the clinical response. Early Diagnosis and Treatment (~f Endocrine Disorders focuses on early signs and symptoms of endocrine disorders and surveys the appropriate tests to document the diseases as well as current recommendations for therapy. Each chapterreviews the pathophysiology of the endocrine disease-important for understanding each disorder as well as the rationale for early therapy-and the basis for the early recognition and treatment of each condition. Although the practicing endocrinologist is likely to be quite knowledgeable regarding many of these diseases, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders includes treatment of those conditions only recently classified as endocrine disorders, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and hypogonadism. The book also provides new approaches that are urgently needed to slow the epidemic of type 2 diabetes, which should be an overriding concern for all clinicians. Until now, no other endocrinology text has focused primarily on the details of early recognition and therapy of endocrine disorders. The information in Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders is presented in an orderly and easy-to-follow manner, which should greatly facilitate the early recognition of endocrine diseases by medical students, house staff, primary care physicians, and endocrinologists, the four groups of clinical personnel to which this book is specificall y directed.
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In endocrine conditions, no less than in most other diseases, prompt recognition and treatment can reduce complications and substantially improve the quality of life. Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders, written by a distinguished panel of clinical experts and research scientists, focuses on the early signs and symptoms of common endocrine diseases, surveys the clinical testing needed for a diagnosis, and concisely presents the best current recommendations for therapy. The book covers such new "endocrine" diseases as polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and hypogonadism, but also offers new approaches to such basic conditions as type 2 diabetes and thyroid disease. Written in an orderly and easy-to-follow manner, each chapter discusses the pathophysiology of the condition in question, reviews the basis for its early recognition and treatment, and summarizes the key points in easy-to-read tables. The authors also provide accounts of the emerging, and urgently needed, therapeutic approaches for slowing the epidemic of type 2 diabetes.
Comprehensive yet concise, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders offers physicians, endocrinologists, and medical students an up-to-date and highly practical primer on the early signs and symptoms of common endocrine diseases, complete with detailed discussions of both the testing needed to make the diagnosis and the optimal therapies once that diagnosis is confirmed.
Most endocrine diseases can be treated successfully, and the patient's state of well-being can usually be improved. Not surprisingly, the earlier the diagnosis is made the more positive the clinical response. Early Diagnosis and Treatment (~f Endocrine Disorders focuses on early signs and symptoms of endocrine disorders and surveys the appropriate tests to document the diseases as well as current recommendations for therapy. Each chapterreviews the pathophysiology of the endocrine disease-important for understanding each disorder as well as the rationale for early therapy-and the basis for the early recognition and treatment of each condition. Although the practicing endocrinologist is likely to be quite knowledgeable regarding many of these diseases, Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders includes treatment of those conditions only recently classified as endocrine disorders, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, obesity, and hypogonadism. The book also provides new approaches that are urgently needed to slow the epidemic of type 2 diabetes, which should be an overriding concern for all clinicians. Until now, no other endocrinology text has focused primarily on the details of early recognition and therapy of endocrine disorders. The information in Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Endocrine Disorders is presented in an orderly and easy-to-follow manner, which should greatly facilitate the early recognition of endocrine diseases by medical students, house staff, primary care physicians, and endocrinologists, the four groups of clinical personnel to which this book is specificall y directed.
1 Thyroid Cancer.- 2 Hypothyroidism.- 3 Hyperthyroidism.- 4 Type 1 Diabetes.- 5 Type 2 Diabetes.- 6 Diabetes Mellitus: Cardiovascular Complications.- 7 Obesity: A Challenging Global Epidemic.- 8 Dyslipidemia.- 9 Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.- 10 Acromegaly.- 11 Pituitary Tumors Other Than Acromegaly.- 12 Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Types 1, 2a, and 2b.- 13 Addison's Disease.- 14 Cushing's Syndrome.- 15 Hypercalcemia and Hypocalcemia.- 16 Pheochromocytoma.- 17 Hypogonadism in Men and Women.- 18 Osteoporosis and Osteomalacia.