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Trotz ihrer Dominanz für die Rezeption von Literatur, Film, Comic und anderen Medien haben Figuren in der literatur- und medientheoretischen Diskussion lange Zeit ein Schattendasein geführt. Der vorliegende Band führt die inzwischen deutlich intensivierte Diskussion in den verschiedenen Bereichen erstmals zusammen und behandelt systematisch die unterschiedlichen Problemaspekte des Begriffs Figur, z.B. das Verhältnis von Figuren- zur Personenwahrnehmung, den ontologischen Status der Figur, die Strategien der Charakterisierung, Figurenkonstellationen. Außerdem enthält er Beiträge zur Figur im Comic, Lyrik, Computerspiel und anderen Medien.
Although fictional characters have long dominated the reception of literature, films, television programs, comics, and other media products, only recently have they begun to attract their due attention in literary and media theory. The book systematically surveys today´s diverse and at times conflicting theoretical perspectives on fictional character, spanning research on topics such as the differences between fictional characters and real persons, the ontological status of characters, the strategies of their representation and characterization, the psychology of their reception, as well as their specific forms and constellations in - and across - different media, from the book to the internet.
Jens Eder, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz; Fotis Jannidis, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg; Ralf Schneider, Universität Bielefeld.
Texte du rabat
The volume Regeln der Bedeutung ('Rules of meaning') marks the launch of REVISIONEN, a projected series of some eight volumes on basic concepts of literary theory. The series aims to reflect on central concepts of literary studies which have become questionable or problematic in the course of recent debates and to open up new perspectives on them in order to make them available for research in a new manner. Such concepts include, for example, 'meaning', 'literature', 'interpretation'. The series takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing not only on literary theory but also on art history, music, philosophy, linguistics, and psychology.
"Alle Beiträge sind klar strukturiert. Die analytische Herangehensweise und entsprechende Sprache hinterlassen den Eindruck größter Klarheit."
Kay Ziegenbalg in:
3;Characters in Fictional Worlds;14
4;Fictional Characters in Literary and Media Studies;78
5;The Ontology of Fictional Characters;122
6;Characters and Their Plots;145
7;Social Minds in Persuasion;168
8;Activity Types and Characterisation in Dramatic Discourse;187
9;On the Constitution of Characters in Poetry;219
10;Engaging Characters: Further Reflections;243
11;Implications of Paradoxical Film Characters for Our Models and Conceptualizations;270
12;Stereotypes and the Narratological Analysis of Film Characters;287
13;A Bizarre Love Triangle ;301
14;Characters in Comic Books;329
15;Modeling Human-Character Interactionsin Virtual Space;340
16;A Moment-by-Moment Perspective on Readers Experiences of Characters;368
17;Scenarios, Characters Roles and Plot Status;388
18;From Predicates to People like Us;411
19;Objects of Empathy ;427
20;Parasocial Relationships;453
21;Multiple Protagonist Films;470
22;Ethnic Stereotypes as Elements of Character Formation;489
23;The Gender(ing) of Fictional Characters;517
24;Transtextual Characters;538
25;Cenerentola Risen from the Ashes;553