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The problems of analyzing and synthesizing musical timbres have been prevalent for over half a century, and a book length exploration of this large and complex subject has been long overdue. Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds: Sound of Music consists of eight chapters that span the range from tutorial introduction to advanced research and application to speculative assessment of its various techniques. All of the contributors use a generalized additive sine wave model for describing musical timbre which gives a conceptual unity but is of sufficient utility to be adapted to many different tasks. The authors represent an international community of researchers and teachers in the field of analysis/synthesis/perception, and this book reflects the important trends and interests current in the subject. Due to its breadth, students will find the book a thorough introduction to current thinking and implementation of additive sine wave timbral models. Researchers new to the field will find a canvas of applications with citations to the relevant literature, which will also benefit the teacher searching for an effective syllabus. Due to its scope, Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds will become the standard reference in the field and will be seen as the catalyst for exciting research in the years ahead.
Contains a complete and accurate mathematical treatment of the sounds of music with an emphasis on musical timbre The topic is treated in an interdisciplinary way, aimed at audiences in engineering, physics, computer science, psychology, and music research
James W. Beauchamp has been working in the area of analysis, synthesis, and perception of musical sounds for over 40 years. He is editor and co-author of Music by Computers (Wiley, 1969), a fellow of the Audio Engineering Society and of the Acoustical Society of America, former president and board member of the International Computer Music Association, and has published numerous papers in the Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, the Computer Music Journal, Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference, Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, Proceedings of the International Society of Musical Acoustics, and Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Applicatiions of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics. For over thirty years at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign he taught courses on musical acoustics, electronic music, and computer music (in the School of Music) and audio engineering, electronic music synthesis, and acoustics (in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering). During spring, 1988 he was a visiting scholar at the Center for Research in Music and Acoustics at Stanford University, and during 1994-95 he was a visiting researcher at the Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics and Music in Paris. His research interests have been in electronic and computer music synthesis systems, analysis, synthesis, and perception of musical instrument sounds, automatic pitch detection, and instrument separation.
Texte du rabat
Analysis, Synthesis, and Perception of Musical Sounds contains a detailed treatment of basic methods for analysis and synthesis of musical sounds, including the phase vocoder method, the McAulay-Quatieri frequency-tracking method, the constant-Q transform, and methods for pitch tracking with several examples shown. Various aspects of musical sound spectra such as spectral envelope, spectral centroid, spectral flux, and spectral irregularity are defined and discussed. One chapter is devoted to the control and synthesis of spectral envelopes. Two advanced methods of analysis/synthesis are given: "Sines Plus Transients Plus Noise" and "Spectrotemporal Reassignment" are covered. Methods for timbre morphing are given. The last two chapters discuss the perception of musical sounds based on discrimination and multidimensional scaling timbre models.
Analysis and Synthesis of Musical Instrument Sounds.- Fundamental Frequency Tracking and Applications to Musical Signal Analysis.- Beyond Traditional Sampling Synthesis: Real-Time Timbre Morphing Using Additive Synthesis.- A Compact and Malleable Sines+Transients+Noise Model for Sound.- Spectral Envelopes and Additive + Residual Analysis/Synthesis.- A Comparison of Wavetable and FM Data Reduction Methods for Resynthesis of Musical Sounds.- The Effect of Dynamic Acoustical Features on Musical Timbre.- Mental Representation of the Timbre of Complex Sounds.