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Mein Ex Libris

Requiem Kv 626/+

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Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 3 bis 4 Werktagen.


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Disc 1
1Requiem d-moll KV 62604:32
11. Introitus: Requiem (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)04:32
22. Kyrie (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)02:25
33. Sequentia: Dies irae (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)01:59
43. Sequentia: Tuba mirum (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)03:17
53. Sequentia: Rex tremendae (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)01:45
63. Sequentia: Recordare (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)05:04
73. Sequentia: Confutatis (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)02:34
83. Sequentia: Lacrimosa (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)02:53
94. Offertorium: Domine Jesu (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)03:36
104. Offertorium: Hostias (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)03:48
115. Sanctus (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)02:07
126. Benedictus (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)05:10
137. Agnus Dei (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)03:29
148.Communio: Lux aeterna (with reconstructions by Franz Beyer 1971/79 and Robert D. Levin 1993)05:18
15Grabmusik, K.4204:17
154. Aria: "Betracht dies Herz und frage mich" (Original Version)04:17
16Vesperae solennes de confessore KV 33904:30
165. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes Ps. 116/11704:30