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Reformation - Werke für Piano solo

Erste Bewertung abgeben
'Encountering a palace of riches' is how pianist (and Hyperion debutante) Mishka Rushdie Momen describes her experience of playing...


Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 5 bis 7 Werktagen.


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Disc 1
1Callino Casturame, BK35
1Callino Casturame, BK3502:00
2Praeludium to the Fancie, BK1202:00
2Praeludium to the Fancie, BK1200:48
3Fantasia, BK1300:48
3Fantasia, BK1307:56
4Pavana Lachrymae, BK5407:56
4Pavana Lachrymae, BK5405:12
5Will yow walke the woods so wylde, BK8505:12
5Will yow walke the woods so wylde, BK8504:02
6Mask 'Welcome home'04:02
6Mask 'Welcome home'01:00
7Alman in G 'The King's Jewel'01:00
7Alman in G 'The King's Jewel'02:57
8Whoop, do me no harm, good man02:57
8Whoop, do me no harm, good man01:34
9Fantazia of foure parts01:34
9Fantazia of foure parts05:33
10My self05:33
10My self01:35
11My grief01:35
11My grief01:37
12The bells, BK3801:37
12The bells, BK3806:10
14Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la a 4 voci14:32
14Ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la a 4 voci08:26
15Pavan and Galliard 'Lord Salisbury'08:26
15Pavan and Galliard 'Lord Salisbury'06:03
16Pavan and Galliard 'Lord Salisbury'03:09
17La Volta, BK9103:09
17La Volta, BK9101:20
18Bull's goodnight01:20
18Bull's goodnight03:24