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The Legend Of Robin Hood

Chris De Burgh, Chris De Burgh



Auslieferung erfolgt in der Regel innert 2 Wochen.


Wird oft zusammen gekauft

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Disc 1
1The Robin Hood overture03:10
2The tale of Robin Hood03:13
3The wedding feast03:46
4Only a child02:53
5The man with the double face03:29
6Home from the war [Part One]01:00
7Live life, live well03:33
8Home from the war [Part Two]00:58
9Open your eyes03:25
10The arrest!01:45
11Break the law!02:38
12In Sherwood Forest01:59
13The speech to the outlaws01:51
14Light A Fire03:27
15The robbery01:23
16We've got the money02:20
17A love revealed00:40
18I am falling in love (All over again)03:59
19In prison01:08
20The duel03:20
21Where my last arrow falls02:37
22A man for the ages00:53