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This book covers vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF or VEGFA), a secreted signaling protein. It highlights the central importance of this growth factor for vertebrate development.
his book is devoted to vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF his book is devoted to vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF or VEGFA), a secreted signalling protein of great significance for or VEGFA), a secreted signalling protein of great significance for T development and disease in vertebrates. VEGFAcontrols the prolif Tdevelopment and disease in vertebrates. VEGFA controls the prol- eration, eration, migration migration, , specialisatio specialisation n and and surviva survival l of vascula ofvascular r endothelia endothelial l cells, cells, and and iit t isis therefor therefore e essentia essential l for th for e establishmen the establishment t of a functiona ofa functional l blood vesse blood l vessel circuit. circuit. IIn n addition addition, , VEGF VEGFA A is emergin is emerging g as a versatil as a versatile e patternin patterning g factor fofactor r for several several non endothelia non-endothelial l celcell l type types s in vertebrates in vertebrates. . ThusThus, , it playit s a centra plays al rol central e role during organ development at multiple levels, including blood vessel growth, duringorgan developmentat multiple levels, including blood vessel growth, vessel-mediated vessel mediated orga organ n inductio induction n andand tissutissue e differentiation differentiation. . The The discover discovery y ofof non endothelia non-endothelial l rolesroles for VEGF for VEGFA A initiallinitially y came ascarne a as a surprise. surprise.
This book is devoted to vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF or VEGFA), a secreted signalling protein of great significance for development and disease in vertebrates. VEGFA controls the proliferation, migration, specialisation and survival of vascular endothelial cells, and it is therefore essential for the establishment of a functional blood vessel circuit. In addition, VEGFA is emerging as a versatile patterning factor for several non-endothelial cell types in vertebrates. Thus, it plays a central role during organ development at multiple levels, including blood vessel growth, vessel-mediated organ induction and tissue differentiation.
The Biology of Vascular Endothelial Cell Growth Factor Isoforms.- VEGF Receptor Signalling in Vertebrate Development.- VEGF Gene Regulation.- Embryonic Vasculogenesis and Hematopoietic Specification.- Role of VEGF in Organogenesis.- VEGF and Endothelial Guidance in Angiogenic Sprouting.- Vascular and Nonvascular Roles of VEGF in Bone Development.- VEGF in the Nervous System.