Matsushita Mitsuo, Schoenbaum Thomas J., Mavroidis Petros C.
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Mitsuo Matsushita is a professor emeritus of Tokyo University and a counsel to Nagashima, Ohno & Tsunematsu, a leading international law firm in Tokyo. Having earned a Ph.D. degree from Tulane University in 1962 and a D.Jur. degree from Tokyo University in 1968, he went on to be internationally acknowledged as a Japanese expert in the field of competition law and international economic law. In his academic career, he has held professorships in Japan at Sophia University, Tokyo University and Seikei University. He has been a visiting professor at Harvard Law School, Michigan Law School, Columbia Law School, the Monash University in Australia and at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium. He has written many books and articles on various aspects of international trade and competition and investment law. In his public career, he served as one of the founding members of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization from 1995 to 2000. Thomas J. Schoenbaum serves as a Professor of International Studies at the International Christian University in Japan. He has taught at the law schools of the University of North Carolina, Tulane University, and the University of Georgia. At Tulane he served as associate dean and at Georgia he was executive director of the Dean Rusk Center of International and Comparative Law. He has practiced law extensively as special counsel for several law firms and has litigated corporate, environmental, and admiralty cases in the federal courts. Professor Schoenbaum has received six Fulbright awards and has held teaching posts in many countries, including Germany, Belgium, the UK, South Africa, Austria, Russia, and Japan. He has served as visiting fellow at St. John's College, Oxford and as principal fellow of the Lauterpacht Research Centre of International Law at Cambridge. Professor Schoenbaum specializes in international commercial and environmental law. He is the author of many articles and books. Petros C. Mavroidis is professor of European Union and World Trade Organization (WTO) Law at the University of Neuchâtel and at Columbia Law School, New York. He was previosuly Chair for Competition Law at European University Institute, Florence and member of the Legal Affairs Division at the WTO. He is chief co-rapporteur at the American Law Institute (ALI) for the project "Principles Of International Trade Law: The WTO" and rapporteur for the ILA (International Trade Law Committee). Michael Hahn is Jean Monnet Professor of European Law at the Faculty of Law and Criminal Sciences, University of Lausanne, and Academic Director of Faculty's LL.M. Programme.
This is the third edition of a highly acclaimed work on the WTO, providing a complete overview of its law and practice. It traces the origins and development, via the GATT, of all of the substantive legal areas covered by the WTO, as well as its sources of law, dispute settlement system, enforcement mechanisms, and its impact on other areas of law.
1: The World Trade Organization
2: WTO and Domestic Law
3: Sources of Law and Principles of Interpretation
4: Dispute Settlement
5: Enforcement of WTO Obligations: Remedies and Compliance
6: Most Favoured Nation Treatment
7: National Treatment
8: Tariffs, Quotas, and Other Barriers to Market Access for Goods
9: Agricultural Trade
10: Subsides and Countervailing Measures
11: Antidumping
12: Safeguards
13: Technical Regulations, Standards, and Health Measures
14: Preferential Trade Agreements
15: Export Measures and Controls
16: Trade in Services
17: Intellectual Property
18: Government Procurement
19: Developing Countries
20: Environmental Protection and Trade
21: Trade and Investment
22: Competition Policy and Trade