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This book is a unique guide to supernova facts, and it is also an observing/discovery guide, all in one package. It is the only book about supernovae that explains to amateur astronomers what they are, and how to observe and discover them.
This book is intended for amateur astronomers who are readers of Sky & Telescope magazine or similar astronomy periodicals or are at least at the same level of knowledge and enthusiasm. Supernovae represent the most violent stellar explosions in the universe. This is a unique guide to supernova facts, and it is also an observing/discovery guide, all in one package. It is the only book about supernovae that explains to amateur astronomers what they are, and how to observe and discover them. Moreover, the book contains detailed information about the probable physics of supernovae, a subject which even today is imperfectly understood, and contains detailed galaxy images for readers to begin their own search for new supernova. Here is a book that is essential reading for any amateur astronomer who is interested in discovering, observing, or learning about supernovae.
Contains all the currently-known facts on supernovae, in a single book Explains in clear, readable language what supernovae are, and how we currently believe the physics of supernovae operate Contains detailed galaxy images for readers to begin their own search for new supernovae Describes how the world's top supernova hunters conduct their searches The only book about supernovae the most violent stellar events in the universe that explains to amateur astronomers what they are, and how to observe and discover them
Martin Mobberley has a BSc Honours degree in Electronic Engineering from Brunel University, and is a former British Astronomical Association President and Goodacre Medallist.
He is also the author of Astronomical Equipment for Amateurs (1998) and The New Amateur Astronomer (2004); and has contributed chapters to three other Springer Practical Astronomy Series Books. He wrote the children's book Space Navigator , and has published many papers in Astronomy Now, The Journal of the British Astronomical Association, The Astronomer, and Sky & Telescope.
Supernovae mark the deaths of massive stars or of white dwarfs in binary systems, and are unbelievably violent events. Even when they occur in galaxies millions of light years away they can be within the reach of amateur astronomers' telescopes.
More than 400 supernovae have already been discovered by amateurs.
Supernovae and How to Observe Them is a mine of information for all levels of amateur astronomer, from relative beginners to experienced observers. Whether you are interested in the supernova physics, observing supernovae and supernova remnants, measuring their spectra or even discovering new supernovae yourself, this book provides all the information you need.
In addition, with the increasing availability of robotic telescopes and CCD techn- ogy, more and more amateurs are discovering supernovae from their backyards. Worldwide, there have been more than 400 supernovae discovered by amateur astronomers using amateur telescopes.
Supernovae: Physics and Statistics.- Supernova Physics.- Supernovae to Measure the Universe.- Supernovae in Our Neighborhood.- The Top 100 Extragalactic Supernovae.- Supernovae: A Threat to Life on Earth.- Observing and Discovering Supernovae.- Supernovae as Visual Variable Stars.- Supernova Photometry and Light Curves.- Supernova Spectroscopy.- Amateur Supernova Hunting in the 21st Century.- The Discoverers Themselves.- Searching the Messier Galaxies.- Searching the Caldwell Galaxies.- Observing Supernova Remnants.
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