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This book systematically introduces the physical basis and theory of infrared radiation and the application of radiative cooling. It covers the geographical release of infrared radiation, infrared radiation material system, and preparation technology, infrared radiative cooling measurement and applications, the micronano-processing technology, the latest technology of radiative cooling and passive power generation, and the design of future application scenarios. The main content includes the current world energy application status and the development, research, and application status of radiative cooling technology, as well as the principle of radiative cooling technology, the research and application of different radiative cooling materials, the processing technology of radiative cooling devices, the development of radiative cooling technology, and other energy technologies. This book is used as reference for researchers and engineers who work in the fields of radiative cooling.
Is the first book on radiative cooling and related technologies Includes state-of-the-art radiative cooling theory, materials, and technologies Details the history and present situation of the development of technology
Prof. Dr. Zhiyu Hu (Ph.D. MBA), National Chair Professor, Professor Class II, is holding a Zhi Yuan Chair professorship at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) and served as the director of the National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Micro-/Nano-Fabrication (2012-2018). He received his Ph.D. in physics and MBA from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2000 and 2004 respectfully. He is the founder and director of the Institute of NanoMicroEnergy since 2008. Dr. Hu is an adjunct professor appointment at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA plus other honorary positions in several universities and institutes. He was a research staff member at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) of the U.S. Department of Energy. His research interests are in NEMS- and MEMS-based devices, nanoscale energy conversion, and nano-materials. Dr. Hu is the author of 150+ publications, 5 monographs/books, and 8 book chapters, including Nanostructured Thermoelectric Films (Springer, 2020); has given 100+ invited talks; 100+ conference presentations and has authored 60+ authorized and pending patents. He is the recipient of many awards that includes the IAAM Medal, MDPI Energy Award, Huawei Pioneer Teacher Award, Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology Innovation Award, National and Regional Federal Laboratory Consortium awards, and many awards from ORNL such as The Inventor of the Year Award, Supp Perform Award, and Development Accomplishment Award, etc. Dr. Hüs work has generated many press accolades and mentions around the world. He is an active member of APS, ECS, AAAS, and the National Physics Honor Society Sigma Pi Sigma. He is the associator editor of ECS Senor Plus. He has supervised 60+ Master s students, Ph.D. students, and post-doctoral fellows.
Dr. Erzhen Mu obtained a doctorate in engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2020 majoring in electronic science and technology. Currently he is serving as an assistant professor at the Department of New Energy Materials and Devices, Henan Polytechnic University. His research interests include radiative cooling/ thin film energy, materials/ thermo-electric material and devices/ micro-nano fabrication and MEMS/ 2D and 3D ink printing. Dr. Mu is the author of 10+ research papers, 2 books, and 2 book chapters, and has authored 6
Introduction.- Fundamentals of Radiative Cooling.- Radiative Cooling Materials and Devices.- Application of Radiative Cooling.- Application of Radiative Cooling in MEMS Thermoelectric Power Generation.- Conclusion.