George G. Karady, Keith E. Holbert
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Designed to support interactive teaching and computer assisted self-learning, this second edition of Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport is thoroughly updated to address the recent environmental effects of electric power generation and transmission, which have become more important together with the deregulation of the industry. New content explores different power generation methods, including renewable energy generation (solar, wind, fuel cell) and includes new sections that discuss the upcoming Smart Grid and the distributed power generation using renewable energy generation, making the text essential reading material for students and practicing engineers.
GEORGE G. KARADY received his doctorate in electrical engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 1960. He also received an honorary doctorate from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics in 1996. He is currently the Chair Professor for the Salt River Project at Arizona State University.
KEITH E. HOLBERT earned his PhD in nuclear engineering at the University of Tennessee. He is presently the Director of the Nuclear Power Generation program in the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering at Arizona State University. He is a registered professional engineer and a senior member of the IEEE.
Provides relevant material for engineering students and practicing engineers who want to learn the basics of electrical power transmission, generation, and usage
This Second Edition of Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport is thoroughly updated to address the recent environmental effects of electric power generation and transmission, which have become more important in conjunction with the deregulation of the industry.
The maintenance and development of the electrical energy generation and transport industry requires well-trained engineers who are able to use modern computation techniques to analyze electrical systems and understand the theory of electrical energy conversion. It includes new content that explores different power production methods, such as renewable energy sources (solar, wind, geothermal and ocean), as well as new sections that discuss the upcoming Smart Grid and distributed power generation using renewable energy conversion.
Complete with a Solutions Manual and the use of Mathcad, MATLAB, and PSpice throughout for problem solving, Electrical Energy Conversion and Transport offers chapter coverage of:
DC Machines
This book is essential reading material for students and practicing engineers in the power industry who would like to learn computer-based electrical energy conversion and transport at their own pace.
Preface and Acknowledgments xv
1.1. Electric Networks 2
1.1.1. Transmission Systems 4
1.1.2. Distribution Systems 6
1.2. Traditional Transmission Systems 6
1.2.1. Substation Components 8
1.2.2. Substations and Equipment 9
1.2.3. Gas Insulated Switchgear 17
1.2.4. Power System Operation in Steady-State Conditions 18
1.2.5. Network Dynamic Operation (Transient Condition) 20
1.3. Traditional Distribution Systems 20
1.3.1. Distribution Feeder 21
1.3.2. Residential Electrical Connection 24
1.4. Intelligent Electrical Grids 26
1.4.1. Intelligent High-Voltage Transmission Systems 26
1.4.2. Intelligent Distribution Networks 28
1.5. Exercises 28
1.6. Problems 29
2.1. Fossil Power Plants 34
2.1.1. Fuel Storage and Handling 34
2.1.2. Boiler 35
2.1.3. Turbine 41
2.1.4. Generator and Electrical System 43
2.1.5. Combustion Turbine 47
2.1.6. Combined Cycle Plants 48
2.2. Nuclear Power Plants 49
2.2.1. Nuclear Reactor 50
2.2.2. Pressurized Water Reactor 53
2.2.3. Boiling Water Reactor 55
2.3. Hydroelectric Power Plants 56
2.3.1. Low Head Hydroplants 59
2.3.2. Medium- and High-Head Hydroplants 60
2.3.3. Pumped Storage Facility 62
2.4. Wind Farms 63
2.5. Solar Power Plants 66
2.5.1. Photovoltaics 66
2.5.2. Solar Thermal Plants 70
2.6. Geothermal Power Plants 72
2.7. Ocean Power 73
2.7.1. Ocean Tidal 74
2.7.2. Ocean Current 75
2.7.3. Ocean Wave 75
2.7.4. Ocean Thermal 76
2.8. Other Generation Schemes 76
2.9. Electricity Generation Economics 77
2.9.1. O&M Cost 79
2.9.2. Fuel Cost 79
2.9.3. Capital Cost 80
2.9.4. Overall Generation Costs 81
2.10. Load Characteristics and Forecasting 81
2.11. Environmental Impact 85
2.12. Exercises 86
2.13. Problems 86
3.1. Circuit Analysis Fundamentals 90
3.1.1. Basic Defi nitions and Nomenclature 90
3.1.2. Voltage and Current Phasors 91
3.1.3. Power 92
3.2. AC Circuits 94
3.3. Impedance 96
3.3.1. Series Connection 100
3.3.2. Parallel Connection 100
3.3.3. Impedance Examples 104
3.4. Loads 109
3.4.1. Power Factor 111
3.4.2. Voltage Regulation 116
3.5. Basic Laws and Circuit Analysis Techniques 116
3.5.1. Kirchhoff's Current Law 117
3.5.2. Kirchhoff's Voltage Law 123
3.5.3. Thévenin's and Norton's Theorems 127
3.6. Applications of Single-Phase Circuit Analysis 128
3.7. Summary 140
3.8. Exercises 141
3.9. Problems 141
4.1. Three-Phase Quantities 146
4.2. Wye-Connected Generator 151
4.3. Wye-Connected Loads 155
4.3.1. Balanced Wye Load (Four-Wire System) 156
4.3.2. Unbalanced Wye Load (Four-Wire System) 158
4.3.3. Wye-Connected Three-Wire System 160
4.4. Delta-Connected System 162
4.4.1. Delta-Connected Generator 162
4.4.2. Balanced Delta Load 163
4.4.3. Unbalanced Delta Load 166
4.5. Summary 168
4.6. Three-Phase Power Measurement 174
4.6.1. Four-Wire System 175
4.6.2. Three-Wire System 175
4.7. Per-Unit System 177
4.8. Symmetrical Components 182
4.8.1. Calculation of Phase Voltages from Sequential Components 182
4.8.2. Calculation of Sequential Components from Phase Voltages 183
4.8.3. Sequential Components of Impedance Loads 184 &...